..And It Is The Totalitarian Socialist Government’s Job To Strip That Certain Something From Winners With a Desire – IOTW Report

..And It Is The Totalitarian Socialist Government’s Job To Strip That Certain Something From Winners With a Desire

22 Comments on ..And It Is The Totalitarian Socialist Government’s Job To Strip That Certain Something From Winners With a Desire

  1. I have mixed feelings about Ali-I remember watching him at those pay per view events with the giant screens back in the 70s-man that was exciting stuff. The fight with Foreman, The Rumble in the Jungle truly had the entire world captivated. His fights with Frazier were brutal.

    But his antics outside the ring with Elijah Muhammad were bullshit.

    In fact, the antics finally overwhelmed the joy I used to have watching him box and I pretty much stopped giving a shit.

    Nonetheless, God Speed Ali-Happy Travels where ever you’re off to.

  2. RIP Cassius Clay / Mo Ali. He was inspirational.

    You can hop around and engage in semantic gymnastics all you want, but you can’t avoid the fact that the draft is literally involuntary servitude (see: 13th Amendment). It has no legitimate place in a free society.

  3. Super Toe – – The draft is as anti-freedom as you can get. My life BELONGS TO ME not to a government who fights foreign wars at the whims of politicians. Viet Nam was a fool’s folly and I applaud anyone who avoided going to that hell hole.

  4. It isn’t uncommon for the 99 percent of all Americans to enjoy and benefit of freedom and liberty provided by the 1 percent.

    9,087,000 military personnel served on active duty during the Vietnam Era (Aug. 5, 1964-May 7, 1975).
    2,594,000 personnel served within the borders of South Viet Nam
    Total draftees during Viet Nam(1965 – 73): 1,728,344.
    25% (648,500) total forces in country were draftees.

    Compared to 66% of U.S. armed forces members were drafted during WWII. By the end of the war in 1945, over 10 million had been inducted in the military while 6 million enlisted.

    At any given time in the past decade (with no draft), less than 1 percent of the American population has been on active military duty.

    Personally, I believe every able bodied American should serve their country in war or peace for a brief period of time. Just maybe our legislators and civilians alike would care for our wounded/disabled Veterans far better than they do today.

  5. Heard somewhere, years ago, that Ali was our most highly educated (HS Diploma) heavyweight champion.
    Don’t know if it’s true, or not, but it would explain some of his “poetry.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @cato:

    Personally, I believe every able bodied American should serve their country in war or peace for a brief period of time.

    The country would be better served by Americans productively employed than by following orders from political ideologues who do not grasp the concept of liberty.

    (For the record, I was honorably discharged as an E-5 from a three-year enlistment in the U.S. Army in the fall of 1971. I was originally drafted but accepted a three-year commitment instead of the draftee’s two so I might have some measure of control over my military fate. That doesn’t make me a better person, but it does give me some insight in the the institution of the draft that many do not have.)

  7. I’m at a loss as to what “fid” is: (I just pray it isn’t the last on the list below.

    FID Flame Ionization Detector, Free Induction Decay, Foreign Internal Defense, Final Investment Decision, Firearms Identification (card), Federation Internationale de Documentation, Feature Identification, Fixed Income Division
    Fremantle International Distribution
    Format Identification
    First in Defense (motto/nickname for USS Forrestal)
    Foreign Income Dividend
    File Identifier Descriptor (CD-R)
    Frequency Identifier (computing)
    Function Identifier
    Frame Identifier
    Federacion Internacional de Domino (Spanish: International Domino Federation)
    Field Interface Device
    Force Identification
    From Invoice Date
    Fault Insertion Device
    Federal Identifier
    Format Identification Data
    Fault Isolation Detection
    Forest Inspection Division
    Fault Isolation Diagnostics
    Failure Identifier
    Force Integration Division (usually in G3 Operations office)
    Feature Identification Data
    Flight Instrumentation Division
    Foreign Intelligence Defense
    FID – Fur Is Dead

  8. A fid is to fiber rope what a marlinspike is to wire rope.

    It is a long, tapered smooth tool, length depending on the size of the rope being spliced or otherwise manipulated, use to open twists or braids and hold them open while the rope is worked.

  9. Thanks Uncle Al.
    I learned something new today (fid)….not always the case.

    I spent over a year assigned to the Army.
    199th LIB, 1st Cav, 11th ACR and a few others.
    Served with enlisted and draftees. Nothing but respect.

    I agree if we could rid ourselves of political ideologues we would be far better off.

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