And now, a message on mental health – IOTW Report

And now, a message on mental health

73 Comments on And now, a message on mental health

  1. And it’s reassuring to know that at least once a year (s)he gets his prostate checked and he gets his PSA blood levels monitored, just like any other self respecting woman.

  2. I have relatives in the medical field in Seattle and Portland. All incoming patients have to submit a detailed medical history. Almost all of their patients conditions are severely exacerbated by mental health issues and/or the psych meds they are on.

    Almost to a person their politics are rabidly “progressive.” These people are seeking help for medical conditions and the therapeutics prescribed are nullified to a great deal by severe depression and or psych drugs. The doctors are able to stabilize the condition, but not much more can be achieved because the patient’s are not effectively dealing with addressing the underlying problems that are manifesting in physical illnesses and/or are so juiced that they can function, but only in a drugged out state.

  3. I just got my FINAL NOTICE with threat of $500 fine if I don’t fill out mu Canaukistan census.

    This inspired me to self identify as a non binary porpoise blow hole fucker.

    I will answer every question as mentally ill as possible.
    Ya gotta fuck with em they threaten you!

  4. Aint NO woman
    Aint ever gonna be a woman!
    Trannie woman AINT woman at all.

    Aint no such thing as chicks with dicks.
    All they’re can ever be is dudes with boobs!

    The science is settled!

  5. “This inspired me to self identify as a non binary porpoise blow hole fucker. ”

    I think you need our help. A person that fucks flippers blow hole is bound to be frowned upon in Canada. Now if you were in California we’d give you your own special flag.

  6. Does anyone really need anymore proof or evidence of demonic possession is real ?

    This is blurring the lines between the genders, so is satanic baphomet.

    The main stream media fake news media ” ARE ” prophets of baal.

  7. Finished the Canuckistan Census census:

    the larges section was Birth gender of each occupant, how do they currently identify Male, female, other please specify. 2nd largest was Do you speak English or French. 3rd are you Native.

    In other words, they are looking for “other” than English speaking people who are birth gender and married.

    There was a comment section where I wrote 2 words:

    Banana Republic

  8. Kcir (cause I give a kcuf) JUNE 4, 2021 AT 2:44 PM

    I just got my FINAL NOTICE with threat of $500 fine if I don’t fill out mu Canaukistan census.

    I will answer every question as mentally ill as possible.

    Any way you could post some of those Q & A’s?

    I’m sure it would hold some entertainment value here. Worthy of a full post by an admin, even.

    Maybe send a jpg of the completed form in to one of the admins.

  9. Gate Keeper JUNE 4, 2021 AT 3:35 PM

    Does anyone really need anymore proof or evidence of demonic possession is real ?

    This is blurring the lines between the genders, so is satanic baphomet.

    The main stream media fake news media ” ARE ” prophets of baal.


    Your post would have been appropriate under Captain Obvious too, but Gate Keeper works.

  10. @Dadof4

    Already pushed it out of my mind. Very basic but definitely concerned about gender, French language, are you native, married etc… It is the context, & the way they threaten you that gets your back up.

    Banging flipper wouldn’t shock as much as you would think.
    Come to Toronto during Pride week. (DON’T)
    Years ago a family friend arrested “performers” in a live “footing show” on stage and one of the gay clubs during that week.

  11. It’s not enough that Hiden is a total moron, but he has to surround himself with wierdos and freak idiots like this jackass, for some reason.

    Trump returns in August! Rejoice!

  12. Shuhezit is my ass between what and who again? I don’t want hurzheshit to be my ass for anything. Find a fugging cure for your own crazy ass man!

  13. Isn’t Rod Sterling supposed to tell us that we have entered the Twilight Zone first? We have a dude (a very ugly dude) in a dress that wants to change the sex of toddlers either surgically or with hormone treatments. That he has been studying mental health for decades and is in charge of our national health programs. WTF the world our country has gone insane. The government has a trans dude whose biggest policy is serializing small children and altering their birth sex against the wishes of the children’s parents. And nobody is stopping him/her/it from doing this. Are you people insane? I mean there are some people that are born with a condition that merits the consideration of sex change. Or if your mental disorder /gender dysphoria makes you want to change your birth sex when you are the age of consent. But to advocate changing a child’s sex prior to puberty without parental consent is insane. This person is insane… It is no different than placing someone with Schizophrenia in the same position advocating that we lobotomize small children that cry too much. This person needs to be in a mental hospital not making health policy. What is wrong with these people.


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