

  1. His 15 minutes of fame have expired. He has nothing left, except to disappear. So run away, Julian, your credibility with the world has evaporated. Cut off your hair, dress as an old nun and slip out the embassy servants door. Maybe you can live out your life in exile in Sofia, Bulgaria. You milked that hacked email cow until she dried up and fell over dead.

  2. The only thing less exciting than Assange’s latest non event is his incredible life inside that little room where he substitutes everything real humans do with devices. I hope he has a serious medical emergency soon, so that we can watch his sorry arse hauled off to jail.

  3. The poor, little faggot thinks he can “pull a Trump.”
    I got some news for ya, fella:

    When TRUMP trolls the American Media,
    it’s THE GOOD GUY who loves America screwing over the
    Göbbels Newspeak Media.

    When ASSANGE trolls Americans,
    he’s merely showing HE’S SCREWING OVER AMERICA and
    doesn’t care if Hillary or Trump is elected.

    THAT fits “traitor” in MY book.

    He has terminally f*cked over whatever “reputation” Wikileaks had.
    Whatever good will people had for it around the world
    is now left in the hands of those whose goal is merely
    revenge on/hatred and destruction of
    the United States of America.

    Assange and Wikileaks are MY enemy now.

  4. a “P.S.” to my post above

    In the same way the #NTers don’t think ahead about what sorts of “principles” or “liberties” they might be allowed to exercise after 4-8 years of a Hillary Administration…

    …this rabid piece of human refuse (Assange) fails to think ahead to comprehend what sorts of TRUTH (his t-shirt) he an wikileaks will be allowed to pursue after 4-8 years of a Hillary Administration…

    …and, after this stunt, I *hope* Hillary drones him.

  5. It’s too bad especially considering that he was the one that built this whole thing up and pointed out Clinton as the target. He probably couldn’t have done anything more to ruin the reputation of himself and WikiLeaks if he tried. Maybe Clinton and her goons got to him and made a three way deal with the Swedes, maybe he figured he’s rather live as a figure of ridicule then be dead or he’s just a self-serving, arrogant dick. Hell, maybe he does have something really good and is waiting a couple of weeks until there’s no chance to deflect. If that’s the case I only hope it’s about Clinton, or the DOJ, or the FBI, or IRS or EPA or, well you get the drift.

  6. Here’s a possibility. That event was exactly what Wikileaks said it was. October 4th was their 10 year anniversary. Their statement spelled out exactly what this event was going to be about and over excited media types billed it as something it wasn’t. Go back and read Wikileaks releases. I for one and willing to give them a couple weeks.

  7. I don’t think this was a trolling. Somebody got to him with something. Between the resources of the Clinton Foundation, and Soro’s tentacles, they let him know keeping his trap shut was the best idea.

  8. Assange looks like a cast member of The Rocky Horror Picture show. A blonde Dr. Frank-N-Ferter, to be precise. Never trust a guy who has more glam than most women.

  9. Czar,
    I’m trying to find some of the crap I read yesterday,but I don’t have a lot of time to search. Something to the effect of a pasted copy of the Wikileaks notification of the event in Germany about being a celebration of their 10 year anniversary and future plans. Yada Yada Yada. Nothing about the Silver Bullet to destroy Hillary.
    And then after the cut a paste several Site where all Hot Damn, here we go. And I’m thinking wait a minute. That’s not what they said. They probably don’t have shit, but everyone punked themselves.

  10. TO Bad Brad

    It’s NO reflection on YOU!
    I believe you that they may have posted that.

    They also SAID in subsequent interviews
    the stuff about Hillary (remember his “October Surprise” photo?!?)

    He and Wikileaks are SH!T in my books.
    Put up or shut up (HIM…not YOU!!!).

  11. yeah, I think the Clinton Crime Family got the message to ol’ Julian to STFU.

    “Hey, ya got a nice embassy there. Ya wouldn’t want anything BAD to happen to it…WOULD YA ??”

  12. I have seen this across too many websites. Hey guys, there is a MAJOR hurricane just about to hit the east coast. The announcement has been planned for at least a week now.

    If you saw that a major news event was about to hit the day or two after you scheduled to drop a bombshell, wouldn’t you postpone it?

    He may have trolled everyone, but my god, some of you Nancy’s need to lighten up some.

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