And Now For Some Good, Upbeat, Charming News – IOTW Report

And Now For Some Good, Upbeat, Charming News

Longtime reader, Lowell, is getting married tomorrow!


40 Comments on And Now For Some Good, Upbeat, Charming News

  1. IT’S A TRAP!! RUN!!

    (just kidding. Have a happy married life. but don’t say I didn’t warn ya. Remember this, it’s not about being 50-50. It’s about being 100-100.)

  2. Congratulations to Lowell and his lovely bride. I hope each day is a grand new adventure filled with love, joy and laughter.
    Your daughter is a good match maker.

  3. Yay! The best piece of advice I have for tomorrow, is that if at the end of the day, you’ve both said “I do” and been pronounced “man and wife,” then you’ve accomplished everything you’ve set out to do and all the rest is gravy…have a great day!

  4. Holy Crap Fur!

    I didn’t expect this. I’m flattered, pleased beyond measure, and so very happy to share this moment of joy with all of you here.

    I tacked on the announcement of what’s happening tomorrow as a P.S. on a different topic. Just to toot a horn about a small joy in what seems like an increasingly dark world.

    And you ran with it.Thank you sir!

    For some who don’t know, I’m a widower from a previous twenty one year marriage. Lesa passed in 2011. She was the mother of our daughter, Emily, our only child. Who today is the mother of my two year old grandson, Oliver.

    Emily introduced me to Teresa, who was her boss at the time. Sparks flew.

    Never thought this would happen. But it has.

    In full disclosure, Teresa is eighteen years younger than me. But I’m kind of old and she’s all grown up. She’s half Italian. This is her first marriage and no, she has no kids. And, her mom loves me.

    We’re bugging out to Savannah where we’ve rented the old harbor masters house (from the 1800’s) for a four day weekend.

    Thank you all for the well wishes, and most especially you Fur. You guys are like family to me.

    Lowell Haney
    Rome, Georgia

  5. Lowell, congratulations and may God heavily bless you and your new bride.

    “And remember. The best part about having kids is making ’em!”

    ~Rodney Dangerfield

  6. You are family Lowell.
    That’s the way I always wanted the site to be.
    This damn election has fractured us a bit, but it’s
    stories like yours that are important to post because it should remind everyone what we’ve all gone through TOGETHER these many years.

    Have a blast. You deserve it.

  7. So happy for you both, Lowell and Teresa!! What a special love story! Savannah is such a beautiful place to spend your honeymoon, too. Enjoy your new beginning, what a blessing!

  8. You all have become like family to me. IOTW is a comforting home to which I often retreat. Wishing Lowell and his bride a lifetime of happiness. I usually leave ’em with this… “ALWAYS be kind to one another.”

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