And Now, For the Stupidest Marketing Activism Ever – IOTW Report

And Now, For the Stupidest Marketing Activism Ever

Ben and Jerry’s, in Australia, isn’t allowing their stores to sell 2 scoops of the same ice cream, together, until same sex marriage is legalized.

Yeah, well, if same sex marriage is legalized I’m changing all my M&Ms to M&Ws.


(NEWSER) – “Love comes in all flavours,” says socially active ice cream giant Ben & Jerry’s, which is putting their scoops where their mouth is in a new protest. In a move supporting gay rights, the company’s 26 stores in Australia have “banned” servings of two scoops of the same kind of ice cream until same-sex marriage is legalized in the country, reports NBC News. A video promoting the campaign was added to the chain’s Twitter page, while another tweet urges customers to sign activist group Equality Campaign’s petition. In a statement, the company asks customers to imagine how furious being denied a double scoop of their favorite flavor would make them.

“But this doesn’t even begin to compare to how furious you would be if you were told you were not allowed to marry the person you love,” it adds. Ben & Jerry’s stores are also placing brightly colored mailboxes on their countertops for customers to add post cards with their stories, which they’ll deliver to parliament by its final session on June 13. Polls suggest that most Australians support gay marriage, but legislation to legalize it remains mired in limbo, per Ben & Jerry’s has not shied away from political causes in the past, and the actual Ben and Jerry were arrested in a DC protest in April.

28 Comments on And Now, For the Stupidest Marketing Activism Ever

  1. Aunty Maxines 2 Pool Rules:

    • Don’t swallow the water. It belongs to the Pool.
    • Report any diarrheal incident whilst swimming. A Memo is Not Enough.

    2 Scoops, Baked a la

  2. Gee, it’s been so long since I stopped eating their cr*p that I forgot I didn’t need any more reasons to stop eating their cr*p.

    Double scoop THAT, b!tches.

  3. Update: Ben & Jerry announced that they will not serve two scoops of any ice cream until Trump is driven from office in disgrace. When Hillary is installed in the Oval Office to which she was anointed by birth and by beating both Trump and Bernie, Ben & Jerry will treat all their customers with a free scoop of Old Vanilla Past It’s Sell-by Date.

  4. So their great idea is to not allow people to order two scoops of the same flavor of ice cream until the law is changed in Australia to allow same sex, so called, marriage.
    As the link points out they did a great job of proving the case for traditional marriage:
    “Let’s say that chocolate represents men and vanilla represents women. You take one scoop of chocolate and one scoop of vanilla and what do you get? Something new. Something distinct. A unique blend of the two flavors. Two entities that are different and yet similar now become one.

    That is a picture of marriage, which is the unique blend of male and female, the unique union of two different and yet similar entities. Borrowing imagery from John Gray, marriage is the union of Mars + Venus.

    Going back to ice cream, what happens if you get two scoops of chocolate or two scoops of vanilla? What do you end up with? More of the same. The same multiplied. No change in color or flavor. Nothing new created out of the union. You simply have Mars + Mars or Venus + Venus, which does not equal Mars + Venus.”

  5. Hillary and the other libs are the ones who will ban two scoops of any flavor. Too much sugar and too many calories! They have already done this with with soda.

  6. Go to the store and order two bowls, each with one scoop of a different flavor. Then plop the scoop from one into the other and leave it on the couter without purchasing and walk out.

  7. “Go to the store and order two bowls, each with one scoop of a different flavor. Then plop the scoop from one into the other and leave it on the couter without purchasing and walk out.”

    You have it exactly backwards.

    They’ll sell it to you that way only.

    You’ll need to buy two bowls with one scoop of vanilla in each, or whatever, then combine them in one bowl to negate their edict.

  8. “Gay rights?”
    First, they’re not “gay” – they’re homosexual – a moral depravity, not a life condition.
    Second, they haven’t been deprived of any “rights.”
    There simply is no “right” to marry (at least in America, and most probably, in Australia, as well).
    So jettison the melodramatic drama-queen bullshit and sell your fukkin faggot coagulated swill – you people are really becoming tiresome. Is that the rule in Dubai and Saudi Arabia, too? Or are you too fukkin cowardly?

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. “banned”

    imagine how furious being denied a double scoop

    (airquote)banned(airquote)? imagine? So they are’t actually officially really banning anything just being childish retards.

  10. If Cherry Garcia and the Chunky Monkeys weren’t so Salted Caramal to the Core they would know their Americone Dream is Phish Food.
    Just what everybody wants, SJWs, frozen and foolish.

  11. I wonder what Bernie Sanders would say about this? “Why do we need 60 flavors of Ben and Jerry’s when there are starving children in the world who need 23 kinds of deodorant, or something. I don’t know. I get confused.”

  12. Is this supposed to be a slam directed at Trump’s 2 scoop ice cream gluttony fetish?

    PHenry – I’ve visited B&J factory in Waterbury VT. Between the Birkenstocks w wool socks, caucasian dreads, eyebrow/nose/lip piercings, I asked for a triple scoop of Penicillin Praline. They were fresh out.
    I spend more time in VT than I care to and each visit is “progressively” worse.

  13. Ben
    Howard Dean
    Patrick Leahy

    These are definitely not your Green Mountain Boys.
    The state is beautiful but the hippie infestation of the 60s has totally fucked the place up.

  14. Fed up with these SJW busybodies. Hey B and J, mind your own damned business. I really don’t care if someone plays for the other team, but keep it out of my face.
    I only care when you start shoving it down my throat and seek legal status for your perverted and sick behavior. No B/J in this household.

  15. PHenry I’m not from VT, but my better half tells me the only native born is Leahy, the others invaded from New Yawk.
    Matters not tho, once they bore in & the locals ignored them, well we see how that turned out.

  16. That strikes me as something of an anti-trust violation. I did not think that manufacturers were allowed to dictate terms of the sales of their products.

    But then again they are the ones who got into grocery stores by fighting the dictates of the “big boys” to keep them out. Then, once they were in grocery stores, they used their influence to keep grocery stores from selling other premium brands.

    As has been oft said, if leftists did not have double standards, they would have no standards at all.

  17. hey dipshitz … if I want 2 scoops of the same ice cream I’ll go buy it someplace else …. it’s ice cream … it’s sold everywhere
    guess they don’t realize how capitalism works

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