And Now, For Your Listening Pleasure, John Daker – IOTW Report

And Now, For Your Listening Pleasure, John Daker

The thing of it is, Daker’s voice is not all that bad. It’s just everything else that goes wrong.


24 Comments on And Now, For Your Listening Pleasure, John Daker

  1. LOL. Do you search for these vids on purpose? If so, than I recommend you get out more.
    BTW, what genius selected those 2 songs for that medley? Christ is Risen and The Moon’s In The Sky. They go together like Hershey’s syrup and asparagus.

  2. Reminds me of the time at a political rally that a guy was doing Patrick Henry’s famous “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech and he went absolutely blank in the middle of it. He was all decked out in colonial costume and HAD NOTHING.

    After a very long delay It devolved into somebody whispering the lines they read and he’d repeat them.

    We all tried to contain our laughter. Then my
    buddy whispers in my ear “honestly honey. I don’t know what happened. It’s never happened before”.

    Snort. I had to leave immediately.

  3. Irate Nate, I just watched your version, and that has me busting a gut!!

    Trust me, if you liked the original, treat yourself to Nate’s version.

    You’re welcome.

    I’m gonna watch it again. 🤣🤣🤣

  4. Sounds way better than my 4th grade talent contest audition.

    I just lip-synced Hang on Sloopy with a 45rpm playing. Hoo boy, was that lame.

    Six years later, we had to sing a solo in concert choir in front of the rest of the choir for initiation/hazing.

    I changed keys so much, the choir teacher just stopped playing and let me finish a cappella. Only slightly better than lip-syncing Hang on Sloopy years earlier. Things got better. Thank God.

  5. Most people would rather be beheaded by ISIS than
    Perform in public. Or speak to an audience.
    It takes practice. And confidence.

    I want to be that devil may care guy in the latest Geico ad doing the triangle solo.

    It won’t happen.

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  1. John Daker Was Alive and Well as of 2014 – IOTW Report

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