And now the apologies begin… – IOTW Report

And now the apologies begin… SAN DIEGO – Members of The Tenors quickly distanced themselves from a rogue Tenor on Tuesday night after a member of the classical-pop group inserted a political statement into the lyrics of O Canada before the Major League Baseball all-star game in San Diego.

During their on-field performance at Petco Park, a line in the anthem was changed to “We’re all brothers and sisters, all lives matter to the great.” The normal lyric is “With glowing hearts we see thee rise, the True North strong and free.”

On Facebook, members of the British Columbia-based quartet blamed the alteration on Remigio Pereira, saying he acted as a “lone wolf” who changed the anthem to “serve his own political views.”

Their statement said they are “deeply sorry” and “shocked and embarrassed” over what they term the “disrespectful and misguided lack of judgment by one member of the group.”

“The actions of one member of this group were extremely selfish and he will not be performing with The Tenors until further notice,” said the statement.

“Our sincere apologies and regrets go out to everybody who witnessed this shameful act, to our fellow Canadians, to Major League Baseball, to our friends, families, fans and to all those affected.”

Pereira — who sang the altered lyric alone and drew a sideways glance from the Tenor to his left — also held up a sign during the performance saying “All Lives Matter.” The words “United We Stand” were written on the back of the sign.  MORE

10 Comments on And now the apologies begin…

  1. Have relatives in Canada. The black grievance crap
    that works so well for BLM in the States doesn’t
    fly there. Historically Canada had nothing to do
    with black slavery, and they don’t like people
    like the singing jerk.

  2. I, for one, am glad they fired him…. enough of the PC hacks and their weaselly acts. If you want to do your political grandstanding, do it on the street corner where you can be ignored…. don’t do it to captive audiences..that is just low class, trailer park, up the holler posing.

  3. Yet another example of the ‘self esteem’ generation, special snowflakes believe that they can change other people’s traditions because they are special, and know things.
    Our traditions define us as a people.
    We did not ask for a snowflake remodel of our collective psyche.
    You are a paid employee paid to perform a function. You failed.
    Stay away until you can follow instructions.

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