And Now, the Most Idiotic Statement Made This Year By a Leftwit Senator – IOTW Report

And Now, the Most Idiotic Statement Made This Year By a Leftwit Senator

The winner is TAMMY BALDWIN of Wisconsin-

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Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) says the 1st Amendment’s religious liberty protections don’t apply to individuals. On MSNBC last week, Wisconsin’s junior Senator claimed that the Constitution’s protection of the free exercise of religion extends only to religious institutions, and that individual’s do not have a right to the free exercise of their own religion.


Interestingly, this nitwit has the complete opposite view on whether institutions are protected by free speech.

Typical leftist. She moves the goal posts on the playing field on any given Sunday.

The leftist constitution would be written on an Etch-A-Sketch.

31 Comments on And Now, the Most Idiotic Statement Made This Year By a Leftwit Senator

  1. The Establishment of the Jackass party didn’t choose her for her brain–in fact, it was an immediate disqualification if she showed she had one. She was chosen for her willingness to be led, and she’s showing why she had their full faith and support.

  2. I faintly remember religious institutions (without individual liberties recognized) tucked away in a tack on bill the democrats were trying to ram through and some conservative caught it at the last minute and had institutions (places of worship) replaced with individual. Can’t recall the details or the names, but Tammy seems to have the old bill in her hands.

  3. She went to Denny’s once and got a placemat that had the Bill of Rights printed on it. That is the basis of her expertise.

    Problem is, she spilled her coffee on it and couldn’t read it. So she figured she can just make shi*t up.

  4. From what cemetery does the left continue to churn up these mindless, lifeless zombies?

    It’s like there is a contest for the most idiotic spokesperson of the left. We have so many contenders who allow their mouths to spew words, without a single moment of common sense, reasoning, education, or logic involved. This is what we get for releasing mental patients, who are not well.

  5. Soooooo … a moslem has no individual right to practice izlam, only the INSTITUTION of izlam has the right to practice izlam?

    How’s that work?

    No Catholic has a right to practice Catholicism, but the INSTITUTION of Catholicism has the right to practice Catholicism?

    Am I getting it, here?

    How is the Baptist Faith different from the Baptist Faithful?
    If there are NO practicing Baptists, then there would be NO Baptist Faith.

    It’s hard to try to think (?) like an imbecile.

  6. Tammy, Tammy, Tammy. You don’t know what that means, do you? It means that your book club (“Marxist Futurists of Milwaukee”) is safe from cruel and unusual punishment, but you can be waterboarded and have your nose hairs pulled out with vise grips.

  7. “…and that individual’s do not have a right to the free exercise of their own religion.”

    She couldn’t make it more obvious that she has had no understanding of religion at all.
    Her statement implies that the government could prosecute you if they think you’re practicing your religion, since you don’t have the right to do so.

    Yet she looks too old to have learned the Common Core.

  8. Figures, a Senator from behind the “Chedder Curtin” would be this stupid. Then only Institutions have the freedom of speech and not individuals. So she should shut the F up!

  9. Tammy Baldwin is this week’s winner – but another left wing Democrat will say something equally or more stupid next week. It must be exhausting for the MSM damage control persons to keep hiding or spinning the complete lack of a functioning brain for these people.

    The quality of Democrat politicians is so low that eventually we will be applauding Democrats who can get dressed all by themselves.

  10. @Wyatt ~ “It must be exhausting for the MSM damage control persons to keep hiding or spinning the complete lack of a functioning brain for these people”
    No, not really. The general populous is so dumbed-down as to eat this sop up as actual cognitive thought. They will agree & smugly believe what intellectuals they truly are.

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