And Now, The Stupidest Spin on the Issue of Inflation TO DATE – IOTW Report

And Now, The Stupidest Spin on the Issue of Inflation TO DATE

13 Comments on And Now, The Stupidest Spin on the Issue of Inflation TO DATE

  1. Gee, yet another black female who got a high-paying job because it checks a diversity box whining because she thinks she is a victim. these people are so loathsome.

    And if Jackie Chan there knew anything about inflation he would admit that yes, even the poor soul that lost his home in a Kentucky flood still has to eat, still has to clothe his kids, and drive to work. That is if he still has a job because another by-product of high inflation is that businesses close and factories shut down to burn through existing inventories. Both Amazon and Walmart were in the news last week to announce massive layoffs.

  2. If yer a dumbed-down, spoon-fed, self-absorbed, Media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, Politically Correct, government-dependant, Kool-Aid drinking, uninformed democRAT, you don’t deserve to have money… so inflation doesn’t matter.

    Aaaaaannnnnd compared to all the other problems and crisis these disingenuous dipshitz have manufactured, maybe inflation doesn’t matter if yer killed by a hate-filled minority or BLM/Antifa radical whacko!

  3. Ya know, I started to listen to this but I’ve read about it earlier so I decided I’m not wasting my time on this idiotic shit anymore. Listening to their horseshit stupidity makes MY iq drop by 75 points. They need to be put out of our misery.


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