And Now We’re At Single Digits – Hillary’s National Lead on Sanders Shrinks to 9% – IOTW Report

And Now We’re At Single Digits – Hillary’s National Lead on Sanders Shrinks to 9%

Sanders’ rhetoric on wealth redistribution and cradle-to-grave gubmint care is resonating with the dirtbag, lazy left.

Watch Hillary become a muddled mess as she tries to figure out if tacking further left for the primary will prevent her from being a moderate if she gets to the general election. Hillary knows that far left for the primary works well, not so much in the general, though.

She may implode trying to do the calculations.

Also, if her lead gets any lower, look for the indictment to be fast-tracked.


11 Comments on And Now We’re At Single Digits – Hillary’s National Lead on Sanders Shrinks to 9%

  1. It doesn’t matter. The fix is in. Hillary will win.
    The only thing that’ll keep her from winning is that I believe her body will break down and she’ll be physically unable to finish the race.
    I await her collapse.

  2. Just saw Sanders on the Tee Vee trying to sound like Trump. He was giving Hillary shit for Bill’s NAFTA agreement and how all of the high paying jobs went to Mexico. I’ve gotta go get some more popcorn

  3. She will not be denied.
    If Sanders wins, her anger will be such that she will appear to go catatonic.
    Do not be fooled by this.
    Soon she will begin to vibrate. It will be almost imperceptible to the untrained eye. This is simply to align her molecular magnetic fields for the next step. She also needs the heat energy generated on the cellular level.
    Next, she will appear to grow opaque and gray. This is her surface molecules refusing to interact with photons.
    Her transformation into Giga-Hilary has begun.
    Soon the naked eye will be unable to focus on her at all.
    Then the vibrations coming from inside her shell alter and manipulate the unit charge of all the electrons composing her body and she completes the separation from baryon based matter and she begins sink into the floor.
    Nothing can stop her now.
    She is on her way to the Earth’s core. The only place outside of a cosmic singularity that can not only fuel her anger:
    It will make her stronger

  4. She should have an extra point or two, you know, for International Women’s Day.

    The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.
    – Ayn Rand

  5. With her “super delegates,” HRC has over twice as many delegates as Sanders. If I were a Democrat, I probably wouldn’t even bother voting in a primary or attending a Democrat caucus – super delegates are superior, and the normal peons aren’t. Actually, the way Democrats diivy up delegates is typical of the disdain Democrats have for their party members – they get to vote because this apparently makes them feel good about themselves, but the decisions will actually be made by the elite.

    Hillary is in great shape. So long as Sanders doesn’t crush her in too many states, Hillary should cruise to the nomination with her super delegates.

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