And the CPS came in and took her kids away – IOTW Report

And the CPS came in and took her kids away

I’m kidding about CPS taking the kids away, but I’d believe it.

Woman drives her kids to school. But there’s a hitch-


ht/ jc lady

9 Comments on And the CPS came in and took her kids away

  1. ^^^

    “Alexa, where’s my dad?”

    “Your dad is in a strip club in Las Vegas”

    “HA! GOTCHA ALEXA! My Dad is sitting right next to me!”

    “Your Mom’s husband is sitting right next to you”
    “Your dad is in a strip club in Las Vegas”

  2. My in laws once on a road trip to Kentucky to visit my father in laws parents once left one of their 9 kids behind at a rest area and found out later they were missing a kid and had to go back and get him. They forgot one of my wife’s little brothers when they didn’t do a good head count until one of my wife’s siblings noticed that he was missing. My father in law had a great big old International TravelAll to carry all those kids around.

  3. Instead of filming herself laughing insanely, why doesn’t she turn the car around and drive her fat ass back to take her kids to school? Half asleep? How was she still half asleep by the time she was meant to take the kids to school. By the time I was taking my kid to school, I had showered, put on makeup, dressed, cooked breakfast, and packed lunch.


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