And the FBI Informant Who Targeted The Trump Campaign Is… – IOTW Report

And the FBI Informant Who Targeted The Trump Campaign Is…

…I’m not going to reveal the name published by  Sundance over at Conservative Treehouse, but I am going to link you there and let him explain who it is and why he’s a leading suspect to be the FBI snitch who informed on the Trump campaign over a year before the election. Here

21 Comments on And the FBI Informant Who Targeted The Trump Campaign Is…

  1. What really sucks is all the many example of very REAL obstructions of justice keep going unpunished. Unreported, actually.
    Meanwhile poor souls are actually getting stuck with obstruction of justice charges because they kind of defend themselves against false accusations, when in reality they are persecuted for being conservatives, or Republicans.

  2. Isn’t it beyond grotesque that the best journalist in America can’t even use his real name and is obliged to utilize the internet version of a tin cup to keep himself going

    If I may culturally appropriate Yakov Smirnoff … What a country!

  3. Trump is deliberately extending the Mueller probe.

    Before you flame me, I’ve been an unwaivering Trump supporter from the day he stepped on the escalator at Trump Tower to announce. Like most supporters, I’m frustrated to the point of being fed up over the Mueller witch hunt, Sessions incompetence (no, I don’t think he’s playing 3 d chess) and the blatant sedition going unpunished. I want an end to it with the perps brought to justice.

    I expressed this to a friend who is well connected in the political world. She gave me a new perspective that I relay here: Trump doesn’t want this to end yet.

    According to this insider (who may be way off base) Trump is using this to his advantage to generate sympathy and support. Rather than be the tough guy – which would further entrench the opposition, he’s milking his victim status. He’ll play this out a while longer.

    Trump could put a stop to this by forcing the DOJ and FBI to release unredacted reports but he hasn’t. He could insist the IG work triple time to release its report but he hasn’t – letting the release date slip from January to maybe the end of May.

    Polls have certainly shown support greater than Obama or Clinton at this time in their presidencies – in spite of the unheard of negative press and while the press is obsessing over Mueller and Stormy, Trump is reducing regulations, ending trade deals and rebuilding alliances with our partners.

    Smart like a fox or victim of a witch hunt?

  4. Isn’t it beyond anyone’s Pale, that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had an informer inside a presidential campaign organization? Shouldn’t Robespierre Mueller be pursuing this outrageous act of illegality?

  5. @Page O Turner: I’ve had the same nagging suspicion myself. DJT is a master at manipulating his opponents’ center of gravity to force them to stumble and fall–call it the Ju-Jitsu style of politics. He is perhaps the best I’ve ever seen in the use of this tactic.
    And I think that now that we are in Primary season, he’ll let these issues keep twirling in the wind to use the gang-up of the media against him help the candidates who are not afraid to cast their lot with him should they be the candidate in November.

  6. But, but but, I thought it was someone connected TO the campaign, not someone trying to do a set-up sting on the guys already in the campaign

    I’m not getting something.

  7. Reading through the Halper history, I am understanding more than ever why the Bushes have been so butthurt. They thought their old friend would assure Jebby or Hillary would win POTUS.

  8. @TTHHE: If this crappy outrage keeps up much longer, we’re going to see increasing support for tarring and feathering, pillories with bushels of rotten tomatoes and potatoes and construction of several public gallows on Capitol grounds. And well we should!

  9. The FBI has been a tool for America haters for 28 years. to protect Americans the FBI should be destroyed. All the thugs working there should be fired!

    60 years ago the FBI did good work to protect Americans. 60 years ago a middle class American could afford to buy a full sized “seats 6 adults” car. America of 60 years ago is long gone! Most car makers stopped making full sized cars 40 years ago, The FBI should have been crushed 40 years ago. America would be a safer place today had the FBI been destroyed.

  10. If Trump is set on cleaning out the swamp why does he allow FBI and DOJ to cover names in a operation that was likely illegal and aimed at destroying his attempt at the WH? It’s been well over a year now and how many of these people are in jail or even on trial? A few have been fired but too many honest people have had their careers and/or reputations destroyed or tarnished.

  11. @Page O Turner Rushbo has been talking about this, you may be right rabbit.

    Going to the CTH on a daily basis is like getting a daily reconnaissance tactical combat briefing.

    Been there since Tray Tray.

    OUTSTANDING work. I feel by going there I have battle insight I just do not hear even on the air waves. Not Rush just for instance.
    TV? Not in ten years.

    Just say no.


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