And then there were four – IOTW Report

And then there were four

Bloombag out.

Mike Bloomberg Suspends His Presidential Campaign, Endorses Joe Biden


Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City who had spent hundreds of millions on ads during a 100-day presidential campaign, announced on Wednesday he’s suspending his bid and is endorsing former Vice President Joe Biden.

“Three months ago, I entered the race for President to defeat Donald Trump,” Bloomberg said in a statement. “Today, I am leaving the race for the same reason: to defeat Donald Trump – because it is clear to me that staying in would make achieving that goal more difficult.”

The decision follows a disappointing Super Tuesday for Bloomberg. He won just one contest: the territory American Samoa.

“After yesterday’s results,” he said in the statement, “the delegate math has become virtually impossible – and a viable path to the nomination no longer exists.”

Bloomberg threw his support behind Biden, who won most of the 14 states voting on Tuesday.

“I’ve always believed that defeating Donald Trump starts with uniting behind the candidate with the best shot to do it,” Bloomberg said. “After yesterday’s vote, it is clear that candidate is my friend and a great American, Joe Biden.”

34 Comments on And then there were four

  1. I agree, Tim. He’ll pivot to dumping his money into down ballot races to help the Dems retain the House and try to gain the Senate. Just like the stunt he pulled in Virginia.

  2. “He won just one contest: the territory American Samoa.”

    Tuna cannery capital of the world. With less than domestic, mainland minimum wage. Home of starkist tuna- nanzi pelosi’s feudal workforce.

  3. Five hundred million. Down the tubes.
    That dumbass could have sent me a mere two hundred fifty thousand and I would have bought a modest house and lived off the rest for twenty years, and praised his name to every one I met.
    I would have even painted a portrait of him to hang over the couch.

  4. Biden’s running mate is who demtards are going to vote for since Joe will soon be dead according to Joe. He might as well pick Hillary to accelerate his death. It won’t be Bernie, he gets shafted everywhere and everytime. Likely it will be a person with she/her pronouns, perhaps sprinkled with a little bit of intersectionality like Big Mike (the black one with an enlarged clitorous).

  5. Bloomberg isn’t going away. He bought Pelosi’s majority in the House of Representatives. His money wasn’t able to buy him the Presidency, but it might buy him the satisfaction of watching President Trump getting Impeached during his second term. After all, he bought it the first time.

  6. I agree with James Woods. Biden will win the nomination and pick hillezabub as his running mate. That way, if elected (altho he won’t be – but that’s the plan), then he will retire early due to “dementia”, hillezabub will become president and then she will pardon him if he’s indicted for his corruption.

    As always, all of the other candidates are only there to make people think they had a choice.

  7. did it turn out that the video of him licking his fingers was in reverse?

    even though he’s out, it would be nice to see that video run backwards. That’s the way he thinks/lives.

  8. This was the plan all along. Running for President was just a cover to create a huge anti Trump ad campaign. Now all the cash this nasty little dwarf has will be flowing into Senate and Congress candidates as well as PACs supporting Biden. With Bloombergs money Biden now becomes an actual threat and needs to be treated that way. Maybe it’s time somebody whispered into Sander’s ear that he ought to consider a third party run because the Democrat Party has stabbed you in the back again.

  9. Thanks for the $700,000,000 geography lesson.

    Most of us had no idea where American Samoa was until Bloomberg won.

    What to do now with all those ‘Mike 2020’ t-shirts?

  10. And when Sanders gets bamboozled yet again it’ll be like a scene from The Caine Mutiny complete with the “They stole my nomination” only with actual riots courtesy of the BernieBros.

  11. As Bernie gets rammed, it’s all about Joe’s VP pick from here on out.

    I’m betting on Bloomberg. $$$


    When the Corruptocrat dies or becomes incapacitated, the Oligarch will take over.

  12. bloomberg was never going to be the candidate
    neither is biden

    they are only there to keep burnie from being the candidate

    hillary will be chosen at the convention

    how many charities would bloombergs half billion have helped out?
    just one – the clinton foundation!

    vote harvesting will be big and if the republicans don’t turn out in very large numbers for trump, hillary will make it to the white house with her vote harvesting and big tech influence

    why don’t the voter registration rolls ever get purged of the dead?

    the democrat party needs the votes

    hillary needs to win to keep the deep state actors out of jail

  13. …Hillary can’t deliver the Black vote, and no one likes her, plus she can’t kill enough people quickly enough to shut them ALL up.

    …Mooch will be the Convention pick.

    Bank on it while you can…

  14. Well, I think I’ll sip my 32 oz soda through a plastic straw in celebration. And then sprinkle salt on my food.
    Seriously, as someone said above, what could he have done with that money he wasted. 100 million to St. Jude in Memphis and a 100 Million to the Shriner’s hospitals?
    Yea, a real man of the people. F-ck you Bloomberg.

  15. $700,000,000
    he announced his candidacy on 25 Nov, 2019. That is less than 3 1/2 months ago. Coincidentally, that is exactly 100 days ago.
    Easy math.
    He averaged $7,000,000 per day. Every day.
    It is very unlikely I will ever make that amount in my entire lifetime, and he spends it every day to buy the highest office in our nation.
    How is this legal? It is not ethical in my view.
    Ain”t no ‘party of the people’ in that


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