And Then There Were Three. Walgreens Closes 10th Outlet In San Francisco – IOTW Report

And Then There Were Three. Walgreens Closes 10th Outlet In San Francisco

Washington Examiner

Pharmacy giant Walgreens has closed its 10th store in the San Francisco area, prompting residents to blame rampant shoplifting caused by the city’s soft-on-crime policies.

The store is set to permanently shut its doors on March 17, and the move has drawn an online petition against the closure, which accrued over 200 signatures at the time of publishing. The closure is the third since mid-October 2020, and those living in the area reported brazen thefts at Walgreens pharmacies throughout their hometowns.

“All of us knew it was coming. Whenever we go in there, they always have problems with shoplifters, ” a regular customer, Sebastian Luke, told the San Francisco Chronicle. More

The remaining Walgreens Here

25 Comments on And Then There Were Three. Walgreens Closes 10th Outlet In San Francisco

  1. Food and prescription deserts. Just whut the Socialist Quacks ordered!
    Turn it into a shit-hole, let the real estate tank and watch the Chinks come it and snatch up some nice coastal property for pennies on the dollar… especially after the dollar collapses!!

  2. The Left and Socialism can’t compete with Capitalism so the only choice they have to fight us with is to bring our society down to their level of abject SUCK so they can straddle the people with dependency while they rake off the top with the goodies!
    They call it Wealth Redistribution.
    I call it Robbery

  3. I’ll bet the closed/closing Walgreens are not locate in areas where those who made the decisions that allows shoplifters free reign actually live. The left rarely seems to have to live with the choices they force on others.

  4. Taxpayer dollars by the millions were poured in to great fanfare. Article after article while this boondoggle was being planned and constructed. Just try and do a search and you will see how this entire sordid episode has been airbrushed from history.

    Tacoma’s Hilltop make-over will bring new retailer
    An entire block on the east side of Martin Luther King Jr. Way between 11th and 12th avenues is being cleared to make way for the largest investment the Upper Tacoma neighborhood has seen in more than two decades.

    Here’s how it ended up:

    Hilltop Rite Aid site purchased by nonprofit. Plans fluid, but affordable housing in mix

    More taxpayer money being shoveled down this money pit and remember non-profits don’t contribute to the local tax base. Tacoma politicians succeeded in selling the public a bill of goods not once but twice.

    Since the early 1990’s, under the heading of Visualize Tacoma they have run A-List businesses out of town and replaced them with non-profits and government offices, neither of which contribute to the local tax base… and yet the idiots still keep voting for more of this idiocy.

    They lured Right Aid in with subsidies and guarantees and Right Aid decamped as soon as their contractual obligation was met leaving this:
    Tacoma Hilltop artists bring an abandoned eyesore back to life

    In the process they displaced many black owned small businesses and were patting themselves on the back while telling the residents: Before long businesses and residents will come flocking and herding in. The increased tax revenues will more than make up… and they were full of shit.

  5. They missed one. Grand opening and grand closing, millions down a rathole in five years and fifteen years of a boarded up monument to leftist incompetency.

    I remember in July 1999 when the building was a recently constructed as a Rite Aid drug Pharmacy. An entire block was demolished to make way for the Rite Aid. In January 2005 the Rite Aid closed and in September 2006 the Save-A-Lot Extreme Value Grocery Store opened.

  6. During community meetings, homeowners who once peppered police officials with questions about murder and gunfire now flock around representatives from the garbage department to request more street cleaning and to complain about illegal dumping. And Rite-Aid is scheduled to build a new pharmacy on Martin Luther King Jr. Way, the first major retail development in the area in years.

    And the drug usage is now right out in the open and blue tarp villages have taken over the entire area.

  7. JDHasty – In a shadier than shady part of Las Vegas, there were no banks, no ‘nice’ stores, etc. So the people there were all, RAYCISSSS!!! So the area ‘leaders’ asked for a bank (as an example) to come to that section of town to open up shop (and prove they weren’t rayciss, you see). BofA stepped up, opened a nice shiny new bank for all to use. Aaaand then 6 months later it closed. Oh the rayciss people and their, “I’m tired of getting mugged outside the bank” raycisms. Tsk tsk.

  8. When the democrats establish a socialist utopia if you get caught shoplifting in one of their government stores you’ll have committed a crime against socialism and will go to prison.

    Or just be shot. Depends on if there is a Terror going on or not.

  9. MJA. I once went into a bank in one of “those” neighborhoods to transact business. You had to pass through a metal detector to get in the second door. I had no metal on me, no weapons or knives.

    Voice over the intercom said “Do you have metal-toed work boots on?” I replied yes. They said “can’t come in” True story.

  10. The only business model fro a grocery store is a waiting room where customers must use an app or bolted down terminal to select their groceries. Store employees pick the order and box it. It is then placed in a container when ready and a credit card must be used to get it out. Keep the customer away from the products until they pay for it. The burden of getting the produce from the waiting room to their car will be the danger zone.

  11. I remember the small town family owned Rexall where you could get a bananas split, sundae, or a frosty root beer (with or without the 5 cents extra for a scoop of ice cream.
    I got my Superman comics for 10 cents each.

  12. No sympathy here. These idiots keep voting for communists in every election. Then they clutch their pearls when the shit hits the fan. Nothing but professional victims.


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