And There It Is… Here Comes Big Mike – IOTW Report

And There It Is… Here Comes Big Mike

The media begins their transition to Michelle Obama

30 Comments on And There It Is… Here Comes Big Mike

  1. Even McDonalds is getting in on it with the Big Mike – two halal beef cake patties, lettuce pray for deliverance, commee sauce, gubmint cheese, bad onions, all on two oversized pumpernickel buns.

  2. ive been telling friends for a year that i think this happens. mooch handed the nomination after doing nothing at all to earn it. the obamas would love it to stick to white GOP voters being the first black man and woman POTUS.

  3. LOL! When the black grapevine finds out Big Mike might have a bigger “member” than Barry, the plan to replace Dementia Joe with Big Mike will be dropped faster than Dementia Joe’s eyelids when sundowning.

    Many Demwit black and Latino are religious and don’t buy the narrative transgenders are normal. Big Mike ain’t getting their vote, if they find out why the right call her? Big Mike.

    The left is just testing the waters. This stupid Big Mike plan won’t work.

  4. How else is the party of unintended consequences going to get out of the conundrum of denying the first female “black” VP who writes history and shatters glass ceilings with every step?

    A: select one that’s darker, more sasquatch shaped. Don’t ask me why, but that’s more desirable with leftists. Besides, Zero needs a couple more terms, there’s more work to be done. Will Michael accept? Wellll, she’ll take back more black, more latino vote, and satiate those who want slo’Joe gone, or at least that’s what we’ll be told, and BOOM! Only need to print like 5 or 6 million pre-filled ballots, counted at 3am, versus 50-60 million for Knee Pads. Plus she’ll never need to do any job other than listen to Zero in her earpiece; then have some ghostwriter with insider stock tips to accumulate another $500-600 million. I mean, the only only one that loses is every American that enjoys freedom, but c’mon, it’s totally worth it for Michael. It’s not like your average lefty has a clue about the constitution, some old insignificant dirty document written by raycis insurrectionist white men. All that for a flag?

  5. Keep in mind that if the Dems try to put anyone but Joek on the ballot they run up against every single state’s laws regarding who goes on the ballot. And those laws can’t be ignored, and they can’t be changed overnight. It’s one thing if Biden is completely incapacitated, then they can choose a replacement, but as long as he has enough breath to say ‘I am still the candidate’ they just won’t be able to do it. It’s just too late.

  6. “A top pollster says there’s only one Democrat who can beat Trump but not only have they never held office…”

    “They” now refers to a “one”?

    Our language is being destroyed.

    Yes, after multiple incorrect uses of “they” the article does switch to “she/her”, but only after its nincompoop big “reveal” (more now-common writing crap breaking from traditional journalism format).

  7. The poll is a joke. Less than a thousand in the sample, all registered voters.

    There’s also the fact that a third of the states have laws making a change on the ballot illegal at this late date unless Brandon is either 25thed or dead. 25thed means Chlamydia is PUS and I don’t see Jill Kermit Wilson standing for her boyfriend since she babysat his kids getting offed without a fight.

  8. “The only Democrat who could beat Trump.”

    Prime the election steal pump. If she’s the only one who COULD have beaten him and she does, the result speaks for itself. Totally plausible. Nothing to see here. How dare you question the voting!

    (The brainwashers are a clever bunch. They understand just how stupid a large percentage of the population is.)

  9. You guys don’t get it; it doesn’t matter to Dems if some states have laws prohibiting switching candidates at this late date. Dems blatantly violated election laws in swing states in 2020 and NOTHING stopped them. Take them to court? Ha! Can’t get a hearing until after November, or “no standing”, or the judges simply ignore the law and rule for the dems. Just wait and see. As many of us here have been predicting for over a year, Mooshele will be the candidate, thus ensuring 8 more years of Obama destruction of what is left of our Republic.

  10. Rumors abound that Biden is going to resign from office – I don’t see that happening. And the reason why was in the debate. Biden woke up angry when they started arguing about golf and challenging Biden’s manhood. Biden is in denial about his age, abilities, etc…
    Ever try to tell an elder that they should give up their license and not drive anymore? THAT’S BIDEN!

    It’s going to be some weird, bizarre ticket

  11. I just don’t see it. Michelle aka Big Mike hated the White House and she didn’t mind telling everybody that she hated it. I think she did her 8 long miserable years and her payback is riches beyond her wildest dreams, four huge homes, she can rub elbows with the rich and famous, jet setting to Paris . . .

    I don’t see her serving anybody, including the unnamed cabal, and having to even do any minimal work. Even with the puppet master pulling the strings, she would still have to show up.

  12. Somebody suggested they could do this.

    Kamel steps aside so Barky Himself can be VP, which she’ll do on promise of an SC appointment. Everyone’s OK with this because, Black. That gives them ‘star power’ to at least make the next steal plausible, and Pedo steps aside on November 6th, then Chocolate Jeebus gets another term for reals without even fronting, circumventing the law yet again like they love doing because it didnt anticipate that.

    And no one can question any of it because THAT’S RAYYYCISS!


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