And people wonder why I say the left needs to be eradicated.

Bill Maher actually said that he’s praying for a recession so that president Trump will be ousted.

This is without a doubt the most despicable thing I’ve heard in a very long time. This $hitstain is praying for misery to befall millions of Americans in order to get rid of a successful president, who is turning the economy around, that he personally dislikes.

He said this was necessary to “preserve democracy.” What threat to democracy is president Trump?

To quell his fever dreams he wants people who are finally getting a job, getting a little extra coin in their pocket, upgrading their car, eating better food, buying some nice clothes, perhaps becoming a homeowner, perhaps having a child, to have it all come crashing down around them.

I hope and pray that Bill Maher dies in his sleep tonight. This guy does not deserve to enjoy this planet after saying such a thing. he should go right to hell.



  1. It’s like wishing someone’s wife might get raped and becomes pregnant so they will change their opinion of abortion. This is how Lefties think.

    Bill Mahr, of course, will not suffer during this recession himself, he will experience the frustrations of his dry cleaners and waitstaff at his favorite restaurants.

  2. We don’t live in a democracy. The United States was founded as a Republic.
    A democracy is two wolves and one sheep voting on what’s for dinner.
    I would rather my rights be secured by the Constitution as opposed to being voted down by a bunch of ignoramuses.

  3. somebody might be gettin an extra dose of eye drops in their starbucks triple shot grande homochino with extra foam soon. I hear that’ll do magical things to your body.

  4. Sadly BM is no doubt not the first leftist to think it. Maybe just the first to say it out loud on a nationwide show. otoh, if I didn’t read about here I wouldn’t know about it. I’ve avoided him for at least a decade

  5. Bill is a mentally ill atheist, who is he praying too, Mohamed ?
    If you could pray away a president Obama would have vaporized the second he took office
    Typical childish idea.

  6. Looks like this ill tempered proboscis monkey let the truth slip. The hatred for Trump is all that drives them, no matter how good things are getting. That means that the inverse is also true which is why Obama was so popular with them despite the shambles he left the country.

  7. MMTB,, More Money Than Brains, just follow the money. No longer surprised by any of this. After 9/11, I followed the money. While doing so I looked up politicians net worth/tax returns pre/post 9/11. If only this the MSM reported instead of the childish pissing match the 2 party system stills plays. Back then I looked up Boxer/Fienstein/Pelousi. Night and day results. Hundreds of millions in net worth after 9/11 to pre 9/11. Voted for contracts with insider knowledge, the same thing they jailed Martha Stewart for. But not them. Because the year before 9/11 they passed a law that required a proxy for politicians stock portfolios. Just coincidence, right? Anyway, back to the post, when you no longer worry about your bills ,mortgage, food, healthcare,,,than MMTB rules! Hence Bill Maher and the rest of the MSM. Just saying, follow the money and make it known, than the truth might set us free. BTW, Maher, 1 parent Catholic, the other Hebrew, and you have questions?

  8. Bill Maher prays for a recession — THE VERY THING HIS HERO, BARACK OBAMA, PROLONGED FOR EIGHT YEARS — in order to oust Trump.

    Let that sink in, leftists. We’ll wait…

  9. The leftists don’t have to pray. They control almost all of the media. The media are downplaying the economic improvements since this administration began. This is the same trick they used against George H W Bush to get Clinton elected. With the economy, perception is reality. They control perception.

  10. Send his ass down to Caracas, the stupid mother can see first hand what his “hollywood” style of socialism has wrought. But I’m betting he’s still too stupid to realize it. Don’t let him get within arm’s reach, I’ll backhand that dick right off his face.

  11. Want to know where the terms “Preserve Democracy,” “The threat to our Democracy,” and “Extremely dangerous to our Democracy” came from?
    Check out “The Vortex, Totally Fake News” youtube. About 5 minutes.

  12. DrRiff is 100% correct. Love your wolves/sheep comment.

    Since FDR, Democrats have been successfully substituting the word “democracy” for “Republic”. So many people now, even conservatives, don’t know the world of difference between them. Our country was founded on the Republic form of government – the rule of Law, not man.

    They decided against democracy in favor of a Republic. In fact, we pledge allegiance to our flag and to the REPUBLIC. The difference is important.

    Our Republic, as stated in our Constitution, protects certain inalienable rights. They can’t be taken away by the government even if it has been voted on by a majority or ruled by judges. In a Democracy, the majority can impose its will on the minority without this restriction.

  13. @TP
    Normally you would be right, but in this case I saw people vote for Trump that voted Democrat all their life, maybe it was Hillary that woke them, I don’t know.
    They’re losing their grip on the power of mass media and they know it, just too much good news out there.
    Call me an optimist, it’s OK.

  14. And Claudia, I might add that our country was founded as a Republic so as to guarantee we each can govern our own lives which is the meaning of “self-government.”

    The Founders, and American thinkers up to the Progressive era talked of self-government which was the very American form of a society of free people governing their own lives and living by means of their free enterprises made possible by living in a Republic guaranteeing our individual rights.

  15. @DrRiff June 9, 2018 at 2:38 am

    > We don’t live in a democracy. The United States was founded as a Republic.

    Are the people you regularly interact with “special” enough to fall for that “magic” trick? Sad.

    “Founded” and “is” are as related as “living” and “dead”.

    “The United States was founded as a Republic.”
    A republic in which only real estate developers, were allowed to vote. A republic in which slavery was not merely legal, but “sanctified” by The Constitution. A republic in which black “people” would only be counted as 60% of “real” people, to determine Constitutionally “guaranteed” “representation”. And I won’t trigger the misandrists.

    “We don’t live in a democracy.”
    Nor do we live in a republic that recognizes the property rights of slave owners. Nor a republic where some citizens are counted fractionally for “representation”, rather one where non-citizens are counted the same as “full” citizens. And I won’t trigger the misandrists.

    With rule by regulation rather than legislation, and “national security” hidden from hoi polloi, we can not possibly, not even a smidgen, live in a republic.

  16. Oh, please.
    We live in an Oligarchy disguised as a Republic called a Democracy to confuse the ignorant.
    We were days away from a Dictatorship when she lost through the Electoral College.
    The country wobbles on a razor’s edge.

    All the Communist and Socialist (but I repeat myself) Dictatorships on Earth refer to themselves as the “People’s Democratic Republic” of such-and-such.
    Total Bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

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