And This Is Why Trump Is the Ef-You Vote – IOTW Report

And This Is Why Trump Is the Ef-You Vote

Here is Marco saying that it’s “getting harder every day” to support Trump if he’s the nominee. He says this just after saying that he realizes how awful Hillary would be for America.

So let me translate this for you.

Rubio is saying that in the past few days he’s been considering supporting Hillary because it’s getting harder every day to support Trump. This was said in the afterglow of the Chicago melee.

So, to extrapolate – Chicago was Trump’s fault, and he’s considering supporting Hillary because Trump said he’d like to punch professional agitators, people who seek to steal your 1st amendment rights, in the face.

Got it.

There is footage of one of the disruptors saying that Trump was not welcome in Chicago and they were intent on seeing that through.

Marco is contemplating voting for Hillary because Trump wants to punch that asshole, and other assholes like him, in the face.

45 Comments on And This Is Why Trump Is the Ef-You Vote

  1. That attitude is why there has been no principled opposition to the flawed Democrat policies of the last 7 years – it can be argued that Trump is not a “true” republican or a “true” conservative but he has a spine, something that is sorely lacking in most Republican politicians

  2. pageoturner

    Ultimately George Soros is responsible. I wonder if Trump ever considered hiring a contractor. I’m reading where Soros just gave another big check to stop Trump.

  3. BFH; except he didn’t say any of the things you are implying.
    I don’t support Trump, and won’t. I will fight to the end to be allowed to vote for a Republican.
    However, if he is the nominee, I will vote for him, take 2 showers, and get shitfaced afterward.
    I understand your panic. If Rubio drops and gives his delegates to Cruz Trump is in big trouble, and despite all your rhetoric, I am sure you understand that moving his delegates away from Trump is what he is really talking about.

  4. Update: I consider you a friend. I think about you a lot. So take this in that spirit, that I can say these things. But maybe I can’t. Depends on how emotional you happen to be.

    And by the way. When are you ever going to address a point that isn’t simply personal?

    Nothing at all to say about Rubio here?

    Must every comment be about what you are personally doing?

    Yes, we get it.
    People have been asking me why I even respond when it’s really the same broken record over and over.
    Shall I make a post announcing that Menderman is not voting for Trump?

    You simultaneously say that you’re not aiding and abetting Hillary with your non-vote, but you insist that there be skywriting that you’re not voting for Trump.

    You should simply not vote for Trump.
    Constantly talking about it would be considered electioneering, no?

    Or is it very important for some reason that we should all know, each and every one of us, and be personally aware, that you are not voting for Trump?
    Is the non-Menderman vote that important or are you making a larger statement, that others should follow suit?

  5. Again, more denseness.


    I am part of the #NEVERLEFT movement.

    Cruz is not on the left.
    He’s a-ok.

    Any negativity I have for Cruz is actually driven by the Cruz supporters who act as if he’s been hand-selected by Jesus.
    It’s almost as if people feel like Scalia was taken by the Lord in order to wake us up and elect Cru…

    Oh, wait, that was actually said by Beck, wasn’t it?
    it’s that kind of rhetoric I CANNOT STAND.

    Why doesn’t Cruz come out on stage with snakes for cryin’ out loud.

    Talk about trust?
    I don’t trust a great constitutionalist that, because of the base he’s trying to exploit, behaves like Christianity is a state-sponsored religion.

  6. I think my “principled vote” and my “fu*k the RINO establishment” vote merged somewhere back yonder.

    The Democratic Left will ultimately push America to armed revolution, much as the the Democrats did after the Lincoln inauguration. At last, they will discover that being a gun enthusiast has nothing to do with penis size and everything to do with liberty.

    If anyone doubts that the Left will incite violence, imagine how much worse it will be when Soros’ money is being spent on fomenting truly violent mayhem. BLM will look like a covey of Quakers by comparison. And the U.S. Department of Just Us will look the other way.

  7. See now I can’t tell if someone is thumbing up my update about Menderman or the comment itself.

    Thumb up if you understand that I’m being hard on Menderman because I think I can be and I’ve known him a very long time and consider him a friend. An asinine friend who will see things more clearly when the reality of a Hillary presidency is fast approaching.

  8. It’s inconceivable that anyone with an ounce of functioning gray matter would do anything to throw a vote to Hiltery, either by commission or omission. Hell, if Christie or Lindsay won the freaking GOP nomination, I’d vote for them over that shrew.

    Put another way, I’d rather eat a GOP sh!t sandwich than once served by DWS and Hitlery.

  9. I was not responding to what Rubio said. I didn’t even watch the video because he is so far behind nobody cares. I am commenting on your position of loving the “EF-YOU Vote”.

    I’m not interested in getting even with the other side. I want a conservative in the White House, not putting in the guy they find most offensive.

    I do share this opinion publicly and loudly. I do so so that others are more aware of the large number of people out there that will never vote for Trump. Would you prefer I don’t share that opinion? Should the right just ignore this huge problem that is clearly going to be an issue in November? It’s still relatively early in the primary season, and this is the time to broadcast these opinions. As I have stated before, should Trump get the nomination, I intend to sit down and shut the fuck up just as you suggested.

    Trump has huge negatives. Ignoring it doesn’t make it go away.

    If I were as emotional about this as you suggest, would I really open myself to all the hate I get in return for sharing my opinions honestly?

  10. I know Trump is a problem, but blaming him for the violence in Chicago seems a bit like blaming a rape victim for that crime. Criminals are always the blame for their own actions.

  11. Menderman; back in the olden days people understood the concept of cutting off ones nose to spite their face.
    Now that the idea is fashionable, nobody understands it anymore.

  12. Sam:

    ‘I know Trump is a problem, but blaming him for the violence in Chicago seems a bit like blaming a rape victim for that crime’

    Which they did on this very website the other day with Michelle Fields.

  13. Wow Menderman, looks like the ass holes are trying to call you over to the dark side. Let’s put a different spin on this. Should Trump be the one, some where in a 1/2 mile radius of you is a liberal you hate. Cast your vote to cancel theirs out. Think about it.

  14. Fur, saying that Trump is merely an eff-you vote is incorrect for many of us. I know that Mr. Pinko and others, for example, kept using that term as a way of describing the idea that they don’t really like Trump but he was “our” junkyard dog who was capable of taking on the Left and winning against Killery.

    But he’s never been that kind of vote to me and many others. I know you have a hard time appreciating this, but contrary to conventional political wisdom (and that’s the real problem, there is nothing politically conventional about him), Trump offers so many positives we haven’t found in the regular line-up of presidential candidates. The list is long and I won’t reiterate it now.

    Someone today on another thread replied (I think to Woody) that we know all his weak points and can name them all, but “WE DON’T CARE.” It’s not that we don’t care about problems of substance, but we know that outside only one main problem (Kelo) that others see as a huge issue, we do not because we know the entire context of how Trump views it. And quite honestly I cannot think of a solitary other thing that Trump has said or done that gives me great pause. I think it’s because I’ve heard enough of what he’s said — both on the stump, but also over the years — and I’ve heard/read enough of what others who are in any real position to know the man personally, have nothing but the highest opinion of him.

    So, here is, I think, one of the main reasons some people “get” Trump and others just do not. If you’ve spent any time at all in a fast-paced, successful money-making organization — owned a small business, worked in a large corporation — you completely understand all the shorthand that passes for communications in those spheres. We don’t need to have every single idea mapped-out, talked to death, read to us, or lectured to us as though we were a juror sitting in court. We get the overall idea and the main gist of where the thinker/speaker is going with it. Unless there is a point of question about a main part of the message, we’re good to go. “What’s next? Ok. Like it. What’s next. Ok. Good. What’s next?” See? We’re tracking with Trump. We get him. We like what he’s saying. After decades and decades of weasel words from weasels who we know are trying to weasel us into believing that with more of the same we should expect a different result, we’re done. It’s so stupid. We’re done and Trump is the antidote.

    We get that Trump isn’t going to know all the names of all the laws, the people involved, the year of legislation, and every other kind of wonkish (and really, extraneous) bit of info known by the Beltway insiders. Hell’s bells! That’s been their wheelhouse for a long time — they should know this stuff! But why would Trump? But the way Cruz and Rubio talk — especially in the debates — you’d think reciting all that stuff is the surest sign of great intellect and merit for being president. It’s so funny to watch these two wonks trying to outdo each other. It is like watching George Will and Charles Krauthammer on Fox News Sunday. As if knowing more crap about legislation has ever changed any of it!

    In wrapping this long comment up, one of the things I love about Trump is what he usually does at the end of every speech:

    “I only have a couple more things to say and then we can all get the hell out of here!”

    He’s not my FU vote.

  15. AA, Woody heads reply was to me and as usual was taken out of context purposefully. We don’t care about his past is what I was driving home. And hell no Trumps not my FU vote. But then again I look at things differently the most here appearantly.

  16. Yes, Trump the only Nationalist. That’s why George Soros wants him dead. That’s why China is freaking out. Trump knows how to bring back wealth in this country. But it involves destroying our current corrupt political system and they are not going easy. Donald J can restore Ronald Reagan vision.

  17. But in the long run you accomplish the same as Menderman by his not voting. There’s a lot more videos out there like that. I’m sure a certain amount are fabricated but the fact remains this guy is too extreme

  18. I’ve read Menderman’s posts and, I’m still not swayed or convinced. I really did try to see his point of view.. but, I’m unable to shove my head that far up my ass.

  19. And this is only the primary. The saddest part of this whole process lies in the fact that the greatest nation on the planet must now decide on whether to elect Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump as it’s leader. Talk about your Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich….the meteor cannot come soon enough.

  20. Re: Comment #1 – “BREAKING: Black Trump supporter shot and killed by Chicago protesters”

    Did search and Free Republic has pulled the story:

    This thread has been pulled.
    Pulled on 03/13/2016 5:34:22 AM PDT by Admin Moderator, reason:
    false story

  21. @ Major Mal Function

    Yea, that was a crappy story to put up. It sounded plausible. As soon as I realized I couldn’t verify it, and saw warnings from others, I posted my “sorry folks.”

    Thanks for further verification. That Christian Newspaper sounds shady the more I look at it.

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