ANDDDDDDD The Media is Back To the Worshipping of a President – IOTW Report

ANDDDDDDD The Media is Back To the Worshipping of a President

We had Lord Obama, now it’s Biden .

To be fair, I am positive over the years a lot of people said, “Jesus Christ Joe!!”

22 Comments on ANDDDDDDD The Media is Back To the Worshipping of a President

  1. Blasphemy…but hey,people have been doing that since the tower of Babel.”by your words shall you be justified and by your words shall you be condemned”matt,12:36-37.

  2. …Also, I’m pretty sure it would be Joe forcing the young girl at the bottom to look up his wrap at his foul, withered junk, I SERIOUSLY doubt she would do so WILLINGLY, nor would The Pedophile WANT her too, rapist like him consider force, domination, utter submission to be the best PART of their perversion, the actual rape is just a victory lap…

  3. I saw an idiot Reddit thread (read: any Reddit thread) breathing a sigh of relief that we’re back to normal that press conferences aren’t adversarial anymore after Jen Psaki’s lying mug took the podium for the first time.

    Say what you will but I would think if you had either of Trump’s spokeswomen posing in big fur hats with hammers and sickles on them:

    That someone might question their loyalty.

    But we’re Back To Normal(tm). So we’ll go from 2012 and the 1980s wanting their foreign policy back, to 2016-2020 where there’s a Russian agent under every bed, to 2021 when we need a strong ally in Russia to be a responsible partner on the world stage and we should trust them again to monitor Iran’s nukes, remove chemical weapons from Syria and dispose of all of our unused uranium.

    We’re going to get whiplash from the rehab of Russia interfering in our elections to welcomed back into the loving bosoms of their comrades in the Democratic Socialist Inclusive of All 56 Genders Peoples’ Party of Amerikkka.

  4. “not-my-president” biteme can sign all the edicts he wants
    i nullify them
    how can i know the media is worshipping him if i don’t watch it?
    i refuse to participate in this theatre of the absurd any longer.
    wake me when the shooting starts

  5. Watched Clinton, Bush, Obama all being interviewed & commenting together on CNN about unity.

    RupubeLickans are delusional if they think that they will ever get a fair shake from CNN. Unless they are actively going after Trump, they will never get a real discussion. b

  6. @ Cliche Guevara January 21, 2021 at 9:10 am,
    “Zakharova herself reposted the photo to her own Facebook page in January 2018, with the caption: “A masterpiece in every sense of the word. Soldiers of the information war.”
    Most telling sentence of the entire article.

  7. What do the following have in common? You can search any 2 of them together and get results. They might not be directly connected, but they know whats going on and say nothing, making then complicit. The list is much longer……..

    Soros, China, Weinstien, Epstein, Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, Harris, Disney, Dr. Fauci, Leonore Annenberg, Brooke Astor, Irene Diamond, William H. Gates Sr.,David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, THE POPE, BLM, ANTIFA, ACLU, Bill Gates, SPLC, Human Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Iran, Ophra, Gayle King, Every MSM Anchor, Les Moonves – CBS, Julie Chen, Mark Halperin, Jeff Zucker – NBC, Zuckerburg, Jeff Bezos, Jack Dorsey, Mexican Cartel,………..


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