Anderson Cooper Asserts Tucker Carlson Would Have Wet Himself on January 6th – IOTW Report

Anderson Cooper Asserts Tucker Carlson Would Have Wet Himself on January 6th


CNN host Anderson Cooper said Tuesday on his show “Anderson Cooper 360” that Fox News host Tucker Carlson would have wet his pants during the riot at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Cooper said, “The idea of Tucker Carlson being in that mob that day and not wetting his pants is hard to imagine. I find it hard to understand somebody who has never put himself in harm’s way in any capacity for anyone else or on reporting a story and yet has the audacity to try to rewrite history. I mean, that’s what this is. It is an attempt to rewrite history on what is one of the most consequential, certainly one of the biggest events in American democracy and the biggest threats to American democracy.” More

That statement is neither journalism nor commentary. It’s ad hominem and the lowest form of false argument, but what should one expect from in-the-toilet ratings CNN? – Dr. Tar

21 Comments on Anderson Cooper Asserts Tucker Carlson Would Have Wet Himself on January 6th

  1. OT, just read that Robert Blake died.

    I liked him, great in “In Cold Blood” and “Baretta” (remember that show?)

    And, he got away with killing his wife.

  2. So, Cooper is saying je really wants to date Carlson? Seems to also be having urination fantasies. Pervert.

    But, back to basics:January 6th had no riots. So I reject the premise.

  3. Which is the bigger scam: Climate change…Covid…The ‘Insurrection’? Fuck the MSM. Michael Crichton hit the nail on the head: “The greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda.”

  4. Carlson has more testosterone in his pinkie then pooper-coop has in his entire booty…..errr…body.

  5. I (and maybe Irate Nate) would pay real money (backed by gold) to watch Tucker kick the flying, fucking crap out of Anderson Cooper.

  6. Perhaps Cooper is fantasizing about a Golden Shower.

    Cooper: Nothing better than warm and dark amber pee right out of the spout splashing me in the face. Lovin’ it! And the taste – sublime!


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