Andrea Mitchell: “It does look like that firewall that she promised the Senate Foreign Relations Committee would not be crossed, was crossed.” – IOTW Report

Andrea Mitchell: “It does look like that firewall that she promised the Senate Foreign Relations Committee would not be crossed, was crossed.”

Breitbart: On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” host Andrea Mitchell told Clinton campaign Press Secretary Brian Fallon during an interview on the Clinton Foundation that “it does look like that firewall that she promised the Senate Foreign Relations Committee would not be crossed, was crossed.”

andrea mitchell interviews clinton rep

Mitchell said, “[Y]es, you could say Melinda Gates, obviously a leading NGO, a philanthropist, someone who’s done world health work, HIV/AIDs would be meeting with the secretary of state…but there are a lot of others. There are people like the Ukrainian businessman, Mr. Pinchuk, who was at a dinner at the Clinton — at the State Department dinner, or a dinner at Clinton home. ”  WATCH

7 Comments on Andrea Mitchell: “It does look like that firewall that she promised the Senate Foreign Relations Committee would not be crossed, was crossed.”

  1. What devious, underhanded long game is the Clinton campaign running here? Why would she ever say something like that to a Clinton Flack? I mean, I know she’s hoping he can explain it all away, but she could have easily avoided dropping Walter Pinchuk’s name. Everybody in the MSM has been studiously ignoring him. Although, to be fair, she did call him “Mr. Pinchuk” Could be some other Pinchuk.

    Maybe they are trying to ease that name out quietly, so when the Pinchuk SHTF,they can say they talked about him already and move on.

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