Andrea Mitchell Says Israel’s Strategy of Self-Defense Becoming Indefensible – IOTW Report

Andrea Mitchell Says Israel’s Strategy of Self-Defense Becoming Indefensible

Does anyone else have trouble following this logic?

20 Comments on Andrea Mitchell Says Israel’s Strategy of Self-Defense Becoming Indefensible

  1. What the pictures coming out of Gaza show and the negative press Israel is getting for trying to prevent similar pictures coming out of Tel Aviv is how gullible world opinion is to a big lie.

    If any other country had rockets raining down on it these very same protestors would be enraged at the country firing the rockets.

    It only goes to prove we shouldn’t give a damn either what the world thinks… because the world of useless idiots doesn’t ‘think’.

  2. Syl, you know she has Penn to thank for putting a brilliant shine on her liberalism.

    You come from Walnut Street in Philly with a brain so thoroughly washed by the University that it squeaks when you shake your head.

  3. As Rush said last Friday, Progressives don’t think that its “fair” that Israel has the defensive technology of The Iron Dome while their barbaric, sworn enemy does not. This, yet again, proves that Progressives have no concept of reality.

    Any and all “Palestinian suffering” is verifiably 100% the fault of Hamas.

  4. Many, if not most news reports focus on the human child shields Hamas likes to use, and conveniently leave out the “shooting rockets at Israel” and “building tunnels into Israel” components of the stories. They then comment on the fact that their biased reporting is swaying some public opinion. Duh.

    Perhaps we should incite Hamas to shoot rockets at Andrea Mitchell and tunnel into NBC corporate offices. I would set the “over/under” for the time it takes Andrea to change her tune at 10 minutes.

  5. Anyone else see a pattern? Last week the left was busy grabbing the headlines by parading out a few of their most clueless pus*ies. They’re doing it just to make Biden look, well, not so stupid. Good luck with that. Anyway, last week alone they put the following front and center; Pelosi, D W Schultz, Jerry Brown, Rosa DeLauro, Sheila Jackson Lee, Lois Lerner, Harry Reid, and Sandra Fluke. Andrea Mitchell fits right in.

  6. My dad taught me how to fight. One thing he taught was you won’t always win. Don’t pick a fight with someone who obviously is tougher than you are. Hamas should not fuck with Israel. If they wanted too. Gaza would disappear.

  7. The corrupt Andrea Mitchell’s defense of a fraud traitor calling himself “Barack Hussein Obama” is indefensible.

    Hopefully Andrea Mitchell and her ilk will be between us and the next terrorist bomb that goes off in America — for the sole purpose of absorbing the blast. She isn’t good for much else.

  8. WTF is indefensible self-defense?
    What self-defense strategy would the stupid bitch recommend, nerf guns and water balloons?
    Ms. Mitchell might be oblivious to her own stupidity, but you would think the people who watch that stupid shit would catch on…Probably not.

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