Andrew C. McCarthy – President Likely To Be Indicted – IOTW Report

Andrew C. McCarthy – President Likely To Be Indicted

I would like to thank Andrew C. McCarthy for writing, today, pretty much what I told a couple of Twitter nitwits yesterday when arguing about the Cohen sentencing memos and what they mean.

I didn’t think I was that smart.

The twitnits were doing sack dances in the end zone because they felt that Trump would be impeached based on Cohen prison time.

Their thinking was, Cohen goes to jail for stuff Trump directed him to do, so ipso facto, Trump goes to jail.

I reminded them repeatedly that –

-Obama violated campaign finance laws and received a fine, which is the usual way violations are handled. No one goes to jail for that.


Not for campaign finance violations. If that is all he was convicted of he would get a fine.

-Cohen pled guilty. The prosecution did not prove that campaign finance laws were broken. It didn’t get that far. It would have to be proven in order to convict Trump.

That’s a high threshold, and ironically it’s high because the prosecution would have to prove intent.

I say “ironically” because intent, or lack of it, is exactly what Comey cited for why Hillary wasn’t indicted over Servergate.

Just imagine Trump being somehow removed from office on a campaign finance violation, something that would never, otherwise, be seen as a high crime and misdemeanor, and Hillary skates because the DOJ felt that she had no “intent” to break the law.

I’ll leave with this exchange between Comey and Ratcliffe-

Ratcliffe: All right. So I guess as I try and summarize what I’ve heard today, Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information more than a hundred times. She made false statements about it. The FBI was aware that at least one of her aides also mishandled classified information. And one of the folks employed on behalf of Secretary Clinton intentionally destroyed evidence known to be subject to a congressional subpoena and preservation order and lied to the FBI about it. And on July 5th, 2016, you stood before the American people and said that neither you nor any reasonable prosecutor would bring any charges in this fact pattern. Is that accurate?

Mr. Comey: Yep. I believed it then, I believe it now. And anybody that thinks we were on team Clinton trying to cut her a break is smoking something.


He will likely be indicted by the idiot prosecutor in New York, one that Comey couldn’t ever imagine indicting Hillary. But the indictment would lead nowhere. McCarthy explains why.

Removal of Trump on a campaign finance violation would cause, justifiably, a civil war, precisely because of the treatment the Clintons, and the rest of the left, have received in the past by justice departments.

You think the Yellow Vests were impressive?




17 Comments on Andrew C. McCarthy – President Likely To Be Indicted

  1. Read the last line above.
    If what is happening in France comes to the USA, that last thing I’m going to wear is a bright yellow vest that screams “Hey, here I am!”.

  2. Remember, they can indict a ham sandwich even though it means exactly nothing. They’ll hold off until closer to the next round of elections, to rile up what’s left of their psychotic base while demonstrating how nowhere the indictment really is.

    “You think the Yellow Vests were impressive?”

    Actually, yes. I mean, for unarmed people.

  3. The House will issue Articles of Impeachment.
    The Senate will vacillate – hem and haw – bullshit around till the elections are looming and then acquit.
    President Trump will handily win a second term, with the “base” (the American people) excited by sympathy and by the outrageousness of the Demonrats’ rhetoric and behavior.

    The swamp will grind its collective teeth and continue to piss in the face of America – and the media will insist that it’s raining.

    And so it goes …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I have a feeling Muellor is desperate for something that makes his effort appear as something more than sedition. That, and while the FBI. and DOJ are constantly in the headlines, there are many military investigative agencies – which operate in a different theater – that have information on how foreign agencies were involved in the effort to destroy Trump. The won’t go to the media, have more leverage, and in the end, either Muellor bows out quietly, or he finds he’s implicated in what can only be described as treason.

  5. French people are required to have those yellow vests in their cars to put on in case of an accident or car trouble on the road. That is why they all have them but they are a poor choice for the uniform of the revolution. Camo is a better idea.

  6. Tim….I agree with most of what you say, but Trump winning a second term is in doubt. The dems will pull out all the stops to steal the election. They were successful dozens of times this past November. It was a dry run. You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.

  7. a non a moose,
    They will, indeed. Electoral fraud is their only hope.
    However, they can only fraudulently gain so much until it becomes stupid and glaringly obvious – like when 120% of the electorate votes Demonrat – even the emasculated tap-dancing RINOs must kick up some dust.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. “If what is happening in France comes to the USA, that last thing I’m going to wear is a bright yellow vest that screams “Hey, here I am!”.

    There may be more truth to that then you know. A certain portion of the rebellion will be strategic in nature and from a good distance.

  9. If you can now seize someone’s personal lawyer’s computers and files then sift through everything and entrap them, completely ruin their lives applying the “law” in such a way that everyone could be put in jail, Threaten worse if they don’t lie about their client in such a way as to frame them, then we’ve gone pure Soviet Union. The deep state applies the law harshly against republicans and not at all against democrats. The thing I can’t understand is some of these people have kids and grandkids. Do they really think crafting a complete nightmare future is a great idea?

  10. “The thing I can’t understand is some of these people have kids and grandkids. Do they really think crafting a complete nightmare future is a great idea?”

    Honestly- I believe that they don’t care. They’ll be dead.

  11. “There may be more truth to that then you know. A certain portion of the rebellion will be strategic in nature and from a good distance.”

    Funny that the French are pretty good at nasty things like that when they’re pushed far enough. Wonder how far this Paris thing will go…


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