Andrew Cecil Schneck – There’s a brilliant sounding Antifa – IOTW Report

Andrew Cecil Schneck – There’s a brilliant sounding Antifa

When confronted Saturday night in the park, he tried to drink some of the liquid explosives but spit it out, officials said.

25, lives with his parents.


A Houston man has been charged with trying to plant explosives at the statue of Confederate officer Richard Dowling in Hermann Park, federal officials said Monday.

Andrew Schneck, 25, who was released from probation early last year after being convicted in 2015 of storing explosives, was charged in a criminal complaint filed in federal court, Acting U.S. Attorney Abe Martinez said in a statement Monday.

Here’s Mommy —> Houston art manager Cecily Horton. She went to Wellesley.

Federal authorities said one of the tubes contained nitgroglycerin and hexamethylene triperoxide diamine, HMTD, a “highly explosive compound” used as a primary explosive. Nitroclycerin, in its purest form, is a contact explosive.

“ln its undiluted form, [nitroglycerin] is one of the world’s most powerful explosives,” according to the statement.

Schneck was arrested about 11 p.m. Saturday in the park, a source said, following a day of protests that drew hundreds of people to Sam Houston Park protesting a Spirit of the Confederacy statue. The Saturday event also drew counter-protesters.

The details emerged as authorities on Monday evacuated residents near a home owned by Schneck’s parents, in a neighborhood six blocks north of Rice University.


30 Comments on Andrew Cecil Schneck – There’s a brilliant sounding Antifa

  1. Where is he coming up with those kind of materials? He’s headed for a long stretch in the Federal prison system, but he should have alot of company going too.

  2. I’m against asset forfeiture, but in this case I believe it is a good action. The house should be taken away from the family, and given to law enforcement to sell and pocket the money.

    The guy was already convicted and given 5 years probation for ordering explosives. Apparently his parents couldn’t be bothered to supervise their son – OTOH maybe the parents were involved.

  3. Now what? More probation with early release? The guy has been investigated and his parents’ homes searched a couple of times before this for explosive materials. Oh, I get it, someone has to be killed first.

  4. This POS will have left his trail all over social media, search engines etc.
    He should have a lot of cell mates soon.

    And yeah, I’ll make an exception to asset forfeiture for this.

    The Romans would have protected Civilization by publicly crucifying Schneck, his entire family including in-laws, everyone involved, plus every tenth adult male for a mile or two radius.
    Just to ensure the point was received.

    Too soon?

  5. This isn’t about a young man angry at the white supremacist establishment. It’s about two far left radical political activist hippy artist who raised the their son to be a dangerous, violent radical. and it doesn’t sound like he’s the type who takes advantage of ‘second chances’.

    “In 2013, a multi-agency team stormed the home owned by Houston art community staple Cecily E. Horton, and her husband, Andrew Schneck… The following year, the younger Schneck was sentenced to five years of probation after pleading guilty in federal court to knowingly storing explosives. In 2016, a judge released him from probation ahead of schedule.”

    I say, bury this jerk under the prison before he kills someone whose opinion he doesn’t like!

  6. they should have made him drink some more of the nitro and then push him down the stairs of his parents basement. problem solved-vacant lot or sale……..

  7. LOL!… At the bottom of the story. What does this tell you about the typical Antifa foot stooge…


    During their senior year of high school, according to Schneck’s classmate, the awkward teen wrote a “manifesto” dedicated to some of the school’s popular girls, decrying how their boyfriends treated them and saying he could have done better.

  8. If you search google maps for 2025 Albans, then pick the street view and rotate around, the photo shows a partial figure of a young white doofus talking to a cat. I just have to believe that it’s this guy. I’m very familiar with this area and have been down this street numerous times. It’s West University, expensive and home to many liberal elites.

  9. If accurately reported, his explosives are not an online DIY formula sourced from Home Depot.


    I smell Bill Ayers Academic Elite Suburban Platinum Amex Revolutionary Syndrome.

  10. Loser. However, I’m sure his mom has a special room in the house for displaying his participation trophies from grade school. Nice job raising that kid, Cecily! What a schneck (is that a naughty Yiddish word? If not, it should be!)

  11. The cops should have made “him” drink more explosive potion, and wait to see what effect it would have on him.
    “Just a harmless drink? Then bottoms up, buttercup.”

  12. Trumps Rules. August 22, 2017 at 1:40 pm

    Never trust the men with the big nose who like the money….


    Alex Trebek: Yes, Dadof4?

    Do4: What might an anti-semite Trump hater say?

    Ding ding ding ding!

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