Andrew Cuomhole- the feds should increase taxes nationwide so New York is not put at a competitive disadvantage when compared to other states and cities – IOTW Report

Andrew Cuomhole- the feds should increase taxes nationwide so New York is not put at a competitive disadvantage when compared to other states and cities

Yes, this asshole said that.

31 Comments on Andrew Cuomhole- the feds should increase taxes nationwide so New York is not put at a competitive disadvantage when compared to other states and cities

  1. Remember your “conservatives are not welcome” statement? You’re driving them out and that’s who pays the most taxes. Now you want the taxes of the rest of the nation’s conservatives? FOAD you strunce

  2. Instead of wasting all his money on the Florida Biden campaign Bloomberg should donate his money to NYC. Biden finally had a large group waiting for him today in FL – all Trumo supporters.

  3. Maybe the Trading houses in New York could lower their fees to the rest of America and help regular people recover a bit quicker you fucking scam artists.

    PS: Jets Suck, Giants Suck, Mets Suck, Nicks Suck, …

  4. remember that old adage-
    ‘he made his bed and now he lies in it’
    I didn’t realize that was the spelling that was used.

    he’s a maniacal gangster that screwed up. Big time.
    maybe he could sell his father’s bridge

  5. Is he still wearing those nipple rings?

    Maybe he could start a line of men’s jewelry for the criminally insane, produced by prison labor and use the proceeds to bail out the state.

  6. Say there mister brainiac rocket scientologist: What’s say you try it first? If your idea works maybe others will buy into your idea. So start with doubling New York taxes right now. Oh, and good luck, Sport. Geez, what a complete effin loser. Nobody can really be that effun stupid. You can’t teach a democrat anything because they already know everything.

  7. Validating the Founding Father’s wisdom by including the 2A one press statement at a time.

    The producers are fleeing to tax sanctuary cities. Maybe if this Libtard hears it put in those terms he will finally understand what is going on.

  8. He is a political king pin, fueling NY workers and their pensions with actual non-public tax payers tax dollars so the state workers will continue to keep him in office with their votes. A COMMON POLITICAL TAX SCAM. WAKEUP VOTERS


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