Andrew Cuomo donor gave one dollar 67 times to drive down average donation, boost ‘grassroots’ credentials – IOTW Report

Andrew Cuomo donor gave one dollar 67 times to drive down average donation, boost ‘grassroots’ credentials

WaTimes: Always be a man of the people; especially if you can game the system to look like one.

At least since Sen. Bernard Sanders turned it into a talking point that the average donation to his 2016 presidential campaign was $27, politicians have touted a small figure as proof they run a grassroots campaign and aren’t the product of a few big donors.

According to a report Tuesday in the New York Times, the campaign of Gov. Andrew Cuomo took it to a new level, taking absurdly small amounts of money from people to make the average donation size smaller.

Some of those donors were dedicated though.

The Times reported that in the run-up to the reporting deadline, donor Christopher Kim contributed 69 times. But 67 of those donations were of $1 each.

Mr. Kim’s ties to the Cuomo team aren’t just the tiny donation. According to the filing documents, he has the same address as Cuomo campaign aide Julia Yang.

“We appreciate his enthusiasm,” campaign spokeswoman Abbey Collins told the Times. “Going forward, we’ll put measures in place to count contributions like this differently.”

But he was not alone. The Times reported that “a line of aides, relatives, roommates, allies, appointees and lobbyists” were shown on the filing documents giving such nominal sums as $1 and $5.  MORE

8 Comments on Andrew Cuomo donor gave one dollar 67 times to drive down average donation, boost ‘grassroots’ credentials

  1. the lesbian cynthia nixon has cuomo the crayon eating short bus riding window licking homo really all wee weed up about the democrat primary coming up.

    I hope it turns out like the alexandria ocasio-cortez primary and he gets beat.

    it should be a shoo in for a qualified republican candidate to beat her.

    of course cuomo should be on trial and convicted for corruption like all his buddies have been recently.

    but of course only a deep state scum bag will run in opposition to her or him and lose.

  2. Bill,,, you will never have tell me to not get on your wrong side! Damn! Meant as a true compliment! As a child Cuomo was also known as a Play Dough Booger Eating Monster Rain playing registered goat predator ferret holster with the SPCA. I need a nap now,,, 100 TU for you.


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