Andrew Cuomo Says He’s a ‘Sausage Aficionado’ – IOTW Report

Andrew Cuomo Says He’s a ‘Sausage Aficionado’

Catering to the LBGTQ community?


It is that time of year again: the start of the New York State Fair, when Governor Andrew Cuomo returns to the Gianelli Sausage stand for the annual feeding that will sustain him for the following year. It’s a rite of passage for the governor, who has been seen at the stand in years past by reporters, including that one two years ago whom he told, “I wanna see you eat the whole sausage.” There’s a distinct possibility that Cuomo insisted the reporter eat the “whole sausage” to further increase his powers, but so far there are no reports that he has performed a similar ritual today. But he could be heard saying, “I’m a sausage aficionado,” which, sure, is one of way putting it.


ht/ js


iOTWreport PSA- There are way too many politicians at state fairs that end up in bad photo ops. Don’t be one of them.

21 Comments on Andrew Cuomo Says He’s a ‘Sausage Aficionado’

  1. I don’t care what variety the vendor says it is, that’s still a “State Fair Sausage” and to be avoided like the plague, or maybe e.coli.

    I gotta admit I am a sausage fan myself, particularly Argentine chorizo and Spanish morcilla.

  2. As an “aficionado” he doesn’t actually eat the sausage – he just licks and sucks on it.

    Sort of like wine tasting … y’know … put it in your mouth, inhale the aroma, roll it around on your tongue, and then spit …

    izlamo delenda est …


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