Andrew Klavan- “Chris Cuomo Could Win an Emmy For One of the Stupidest Moments On Television” – IOTW Report

Andrew Klavan- “Chris Cuomo Could Win an Emmy For One of the Stupidest Moments On Television”

Talk about fake news. Cuomo looks at still photos of Trump and tells his viewership what Trump is “probably thinking.”

And, surprise, his analysis is not flattering. He assigns the worst of humanity to Trump’s thoughts.

As Klavan says, “here’s Chris Cuomo reporting from inside Trump’s head.”


7 Comments on Andrew Klavan- “Chris Cuomo Could Win an Emmy For One of the Stupidest Moments On Television”

  1. …and here’s DJT teeing off inside Cuomo’s head!

    WHACK! – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce – bounce

  2. gotta dumb question: if every conservative talk-show host didn’t have the need to daily, incessantly, continually harp over every libtard babbling would anyone actually take 5 seconds to notice or give two shits about these phuckwads?

  3. “Also interesting is, remember, it’s illegal to possess these stolen documents. It’s different for the media. So everything you learn about this, you’re learning from us.”–Chris Cuomo, October 2016

    Also interesting is, remember, it’s impossible for you to mindread. It’s different for me. So everything you learn about Trump’s mind, you’re learning from me.”–pretty much Chris Cuomo, October 2018

    History is rhyming again.

  4. Third Twin: In the early days of flight, there was a three engined airplane, I believe it was called a Ford Tri motor. I don’t think it will come close to your P38 Lightning!

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