Andrew McCabe Criminal Referral Sent – IOTW Report

Andrew McCabe Criminal Referral Sent

Fox -The Justice Department’s internal watchdog reportedly has sent a criminal referral for fired FBI official Andrew McCabe to the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington.

The move follows a recent DOJ inspector general report that found McCabe leaked a self-serving story to the press and later lied about it to then-Director James Comey and federal investigators, prompting Attorney General Jeff Sessions to fire him on March 16.

The Washington Post reported that the IG referred the finding that McCabe misled investigators to the top federal prosecutor in D.C. to examine whether he should be charged.

Representatives with the Justice Department, inspector general’s office and U.S. attorney’s office all declined to comment.

Republican Rep. Mark Meadows backed the move in a tweet Thursday afternoon.


14 Comments on Andrew McCabe Criminal Referral Sent

  1. If you haven’t already read the referral letter sent to the DoJ, FBI and Huber, strongly encourage you to do so. It’s not long and names the specific statutes for each referral. The introduction also contains a warning to each agency/IG that we are watching what is done to look into each referral. Gaetz et al wrote it in this detailed way in order that the FBI, DoJ, Huber cannot wiggle out of any of these statutes or come to a vague, non-conclusion. Gaetz laid it all out on Dobbs last night. I’m very encouraged by it all.


  2. The question will be whether McCabe has enough on the others to be able to make a deal with DOJ. If not then he ought to start figuring out now how much of that FBI pension can be deposited in the prison commissary. As far as nothing happening on this one you can bet that this will be in the news evceryday and any attempt by the FBI, DOJ or anyone else to bury it will be reported. I agree with Geoff C, Saltine.

  3. Referrals don’t amount to much without a prosecutor taking charges to a grand jury. Then, after a ‘true bill’, that prosecutor has to determine if they want to actually prosecute.

    Seems like just more memo and report passing and filing.

  4. From Geoff C. :”This is not going away.”

    I figure it has an 85% chance of doing exactly that. Nobody in Washington wants this aired out. The MSM will NOT cover the proceedings.

    Nothing will be radically changed from any of this. All of us here want the assholes pilloried. It ain’t going to happen. Adjust your expectations or suffer immense disappointment.


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