Andrew Yang’s Analysis of Trump, Impeachment and the Media is Too Much Truth for the Dems – IOTW Report

Andrew Yang’s Analysis of Trump, Impeachment and the Media is Too Much Truth for the Dems

This is an extremely lucid and measured blueprint for the left’s only path to victory in 2020. Fortunately for us, the left will never listen to Yang. They are like zombies in pursuit of bad orange man Trump.

11 Comments on Andrew Yang’s Analysis of Trump, Impeachment and the Media is Too Much Truth for the Dems

  1. and……..who’s going to buy the necessity of “a new way forward” given all the PDJT winning???
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  2. Yang is Taiwanese and the Taiwanese are a very smart people.

    I would put him at the top of the intellectual chart among the Democratic candidates and probably way above the vast majority of Democrats in general.

  3. This one fleeting and unusual moment of sanity does not wipe away his other batshit crazy ideas on the other issues; universal basic income, open borders, amnesty for all, no restrictions on abortions, increased capital gains tax rate, slash military spending, and massive taxes on carbon emissions. But he is not a socialist, so that’s something.

    “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.”

  4. whew!

    thank god it was not another video of him squirting his whipped cream in his supporters open mouths while they are kneeling in front of him!

    almost as bad as rubbing joe bidens leg hair in the pool.

    is brennans name on the epstein flight logs like hillary and bills were?

    epstein didn’t kill himself

  5. NO he doesn’t get it. I came across him on the debate last night flipping channels. When he said “All of the candidates here would pass support for the dreamers within the first (x) days” or something close. They just don’t get that’s why DJT got elected.

  6. This proves Boris Yang was a Russian asset planted in with the Dem candidates all along. He was so far behind that he had nothing to lose but to front-load Fox’s right-wing talking points and disinformation before his candidacy sputters into the sunset. Every intellectually honest person knows that the Repubs & Bush’s crony-capitalism is what created the recession and the rust-belt. Obama was already fixing it by carefully & correctly implementing Keynesian economics and Trump is just coasting on Obama’s success. Hillary was consistently WAY ahead in the polls and she won the popular vote so there is no doubt that Trump used his foreign resources to assist him in voter fraud and capturing the presidency. But what he didn’t foresee was that his margin was too thin and the Dems retook Congress and are bringing him and his allies in the right-wing media as well as Russia/Ukraine to light and we got him. Deplorables are such sheeple.


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