Andy Slavitt — President Obama’s choice to manage Obamacare, Medicare and Medicaid — Was CEO of Company That Committed Fraud – IOTW Report

Andy Slavitt — President Obama’s choice to manage Obamacare, Medicare and Medicaid — Was CEO of Company That Committed Fraud

Daily Caller-


“I, Andy Slavitt, hereby promise to continue my fraud on behalf of the government this time”

Andy Slavitt — President Obama’s choice to manage Obamacare, Medicare and Medicaid — was linked seven years ago to a massive medical data fraud scheme that resulted in what was then the largest settlement ever by an insurance company.

If he is confirmed by the Senate, Slavitt will head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, which manages the federal government’s three biggest health care programs. He will manage an estimated $1 trillion in benefits that are paid to millions of doctors, patients and hospitals.

Slavitt was CEO of Ingenix, a health data analytics firm at the center of a $50 million settlement in 2009 with then-New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo and a $350 million settlement with the American Medical Association.

Slavitt’s company “left working families across the country wrongly stuck with at least hundreds of millions of dollars in un-reimbursed medical expenses, a scheme that ran for at least 10 years.”

Slavitt was unrepentant about the scandal, claiming his company welcomed the “opportunity” to transfer Ingenix data services to a nonprofit party.

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9 Comments on Andy Slavitt — President Obama’s choice to manage Obamacare, Medicare and Medicaid — Was CEO of Company That Committed Fraud

  1. The medical coding and billing system forced on doctors by CMS in 1983. It was started by the AMA for disease tracking, it originally had nothing to do with reimbursement. But the government, and quickly insurance companies adopted it, figuring they could game the system better than the docs. And they can.

    When you hear the old canard ” why does an MRI cost $600 in Canada and $3000 in the US? “. Well it doesn’t. They BILL $3000, then accept 600 from insurance. But the rates and fees are a closely guarded trade secret. The inherently fraudulent medical coding and billing system is what needs reformed. Or better yet, thrown out. But big insurance won’t let that happen. This is the elephant in the room that even medical professionals aren’t talking about.

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