Angry Black Professor Defends Critical Race Theory, Proving the Point That It’s Not Rooted In Anything But Vitriol – IOTW Report

Angry Black Professor Defends Critical Race Theory, Proving the Point That It’s Not Rooted In Anything But Vitriol

Looking like Mrs. Potato Head, an ersatz queen in another inferior place and time (sorry, this is the truth she claims we want to avoid), an overfed professor says, “We gotta take these motherfuckers out.”

Guess who the motherfuckers are?

And not that I expected anything but a substandard IQ from this professor, but she calls white people motherfuckers while celebrating the declining birth rate of Caucasians. She obviously doesn’t think before she oinks.

Rutgers University professor Brittney Cooper called white people villains and said that they “kind of deserve” the current declining birth rate.  

Is part of CRT to condemn all white people with a broad brush? Sounds like it.

Cooper is an associate professor of Women’s and Gender Studies and Africana Studies at Rutgers University. A document obtained by Campus Reform via public records request reveals that Cooper will earn at least $114,248.95 from Rutgers this year. 

Africana Studies was “the first in a series of academic fields that would challenge social hierarchies and diversify the academy.  Soon after Africana Studies units appeared, ethnic studies and women’s studies followed.” (Rojas, From Black Power to Black Studies: How a Radical Social Movement Became an Academic Discipline, 2007, pp. 93-94)

She says that conservatives oppose Critical Race Theory because they oppose truth. “The issue that the right has is that Critical Race Theory is just the proper teaching of American history,” she said. 

What is the truth?

Campus Reform has covered hateful comments made by Cooper in the past. In 2020, she lambasted Trump supporters for the disproportionate impact that COVID-19 had on the Black community, tweeting, “F*** each and every Trump supporter. You all absolutely did this. You are to blame.” 

Somehow, my conscience is clean on that charge.

…she wrote in Salon that white religious conservatives worship a God who is “an a**hole” with “nothing holy, loving, righteous, inclusive, liberatory theologically sound about him.” 

Does that mean white religious liberals worship a different God? I always suspected such. Thank you for the confirmation.

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32 Comments on Angry Black Professor Defends Critical Race Theory, Proving the Point That It’s Not Rooted In Anything But Vitriol

  1. bet she’d give Stacey Abrams a run for her money in the Pie Eating contest at the county fair!

    that is, if they didn’t already slap blue ribbons on them for tipping the scales as the biggest sows in 7 counties

  2. her quotes above sound like bigoted, religiously oriented hate speech to me.
    I wonder if she owns a mirror, and if she does, I hope it is a really big one

  3. Oh, for heaven’s sake! Enough, already!

    That’s right. Get a degree in some sort of “studies” and make that the hill you die on. She needs to get a life (of her own)!

  4. She has more Chins than a Chinese phone book. When she lays around the house she lays around the house. When she lays on the beach people push her out in the water.

  5. An angry black heifer blaming white men fir all their problems while pulling down six figures for doing nothing but spouting nonsense to the nonsensical. Quelle Nouvelle!!

  6. When the Great Alexander marched his armies west of Egypt, he found the natives were interbreeding with angry hippopotamuses.

    An urn with a painted depiction is hidden in a museum storeroom in Great Britain.

  7. Hey, everybody paying the exorbitant tuition to attend Rutgers, you now know that they have at least $114,248.95 of money to waste each and every year on meeting a worthless Affirmative Action foreign African quota!

  8. Between this wart hog, Rosie O’Donnell, Michael Moore, (Some-One-Else-Musta- Shit-My-Pants Jerry Nadler), and Tank Abrahms the All You Can Eat Buffet industry should be able to make a good case for weighing customers before they get inside. If the human garbage disposal weighs 300, it costs $60. If, like these worthless fat slobs, weigh 400 it costs $100 to get in.

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