Angry, crushed, bitter, 2-time presidential wannabe, has-been says she lives “rent free in Trump’s head’ – IOTW Report

Angry, crushed, bitter, 2-time presidential wannabe, has-been says she lives “rent free in Trump’s head’


She still wakes up screaming, every night, “DONALD F**KIN’ TRUMP!!!”

Then she changes her Depends and watches youtube clips of Rachel Maddow smugly saying Hillary has a 100% chance of winning very state until she drools herself to sleep.

47 Comments on Angry, crushed, bitter, 2-time presidential wannabe, has-been says she lives “rent free in Trump’s head’

  1. I’m still not convinced the Hilldabeast isn’t still going to run. Biden is already crashing and burning in slow motion, literally! After he drops out there she will be ready to pick up the nomination. She’s that delusional.

  2. ‘Living in someone’s head’ that fat ass can bearly make it through the six-foot-wide bathroom door and needs a highly reinforced steel toilet seat when she sits down to take a stinky gross Clinton!

  3. Some day, in one of my next 10 or 15 lives later, I might feel some pity for this beast for it’s Evil induced dementia……Nah, on second thought I hope it suffers as much pain as possible in this life as a primmer for where its going.

  4. So saith the most evil bitch on the planet since Elizabeth Báthory. Maybe Barr should look into why the Klinton Foundation moved all that money to Qatar.

  5. A statement from The White House:

    “President Trump is too busy leading the nation and protecting the free world to worry about two-time losers”

  6. Hillary has been beaten politically so many times, due to her own faults, her behavior is a classic example of – Punch drunk syndrome. aka chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).

  7. Fat ugly bitter dyke should have moved far away, long ago. With her skillfully orchestrated Trump/Russia diversion, Hillary’s felonies were mostly forgotten. But she is too stupid, too arrogant to go away. That is going to cost her dearly, and rightfully so.

  8. She would be a complete idiot to run against President Trump in 2020. She’s in deep with the “Collusion Delusion” debacle. Barr is probably right on her heels with a warrant – hopefully someday soon.

  9. Wow…ozero thinks otherwise.

    In a stinging passage Baker writes: ‘To Obama and his team, however, the real blame lay squarely with Clinton.

    ‘She was the one who could not translate his strong record and healthy economy into a winning message.

    Can you believe the audacity of the Hildabeast? She let obola down. Still roflmao and it is the she that has him living in her noggin rent free.

  10. Hillary can’t come up with her own sayings, she’s got to copy them from people she despises like Rush Limbaugh. It was Rush who coined the phrase “Living Rent Free in Obama’s Head.” Then Hillary told Rachel Maddow “Heh China if you’re listening, get Trumps IRS records!” It’s the spin on Russia getting Hillary’s missing emails. She can’t even be original. Can you imagine a Biden/Clinton ticket?

  11. @Goldenfox – My thoughts exactly except I don’t think she is bright enough to come up with it on her own – I am guessing a Maddow staffer wrote it for her

  12. Unfortunately for the old Sea Hag, Michelle Obama will announce her run for the White House two weeks prior to the Dem Convention. Mooch will grab the nomination just as Hilary’s palsied reptilian claw tries to close on it.

  13. No, Trump does NOT live Rent Free in her head, there isn’t room – it’s full up with Deplorables that VOTED FOR TRUMP!!! We Are ALL there!

  14. Hittliary is another doofus Demoncrat narcissist who thinks “everyone” believes she is so important. Thankfully the reality is she only lives in her mind and the minds of the slaves on the Demoncrat plantation.

  15. So, it is still possible that Hillary and Michael Obama announce, after Biden is caught suffering a stroke while with a 4 year old girl, and with improved Media propaganda focus and tampering win the election. You will be amazed when 100 million Americans are taught to worship the Leftist God.The two of them will pave the way…beside, how current it would be to elect a man who has become a woman and a woman who screws a woman ?


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