Angry GOP Factory Worker Calls-Out Paul Ryan to His Face – IOTW Report

Angry GOP Factory Worker Calls-Out Paul Ryan to His Face

“For eight horrible years, I heard: ‘We don’t have control of the House. We don’t have the Senate. We don’t have the presidency.’ Okay? And: ‘When we get in we have a plan and we’re going to change stuff.’ I’ll tell you what, you’re in there now and all I see is infighting. It is very dysfunctional,” the worker told Ryan.

As expected, Ryan had an eye-rolling excuse for that

30 Comments on Angry GOP Factory Worker Calls-Out Paul Ryan to His Face

  1. “I can make sure that the House delivers. I don’t run the Senate, I run the House,” Ryan added.

    That he does…as long as the deal is cut for the Senate to kill it.
    Otherwise, Ryan makes sure the House does NOTHING.


  2. Blah-blahblahty-blah-blah. I’dve asked him when was going to cease taking money from Soros. Does he actually have testicles. Will he demonstrate public fealty to Our President. Things like that.

  3. Ryan’s got that excuse well rehearsed. Must spend more of his time working on excuse speeches than actually trying to fulfill the promises made to the people that got him and the GOP elected. Good riddance can’t be said fast enough for this RINO.

  4. Boehner light.
    Primary him?

    As of Friday, June 30, 2017, Ryan has over $11 MILLION in his campaign committee. With the power and influence he has a s speaker and all the special interests who contribute to him he will have well over $20,000,000 to spend……Not Counting his PAC which can raise as much as his campaign committee. He doesn’t even have to tap in to his personal Millionaire’s personal Fortune.

    Money is the power for the incumbent and Paul Ryan has the power. Ryan has been bought and paid numerous times during his tenure. And he stays bought !
    Primary him?
    Success is very unlikely.

  5. @ cato, the same could have been said about Cantor. It can be done. People like me will send 50$ and if enough of us do, it can be done. Not all is about money spent, ask JEB or HRC.

  6. It seems like Ryan and McConnell together have agreed since Ryan is up again to allow Ryan to play the conservative, I only run the House but really I’m for the wall and tax cuts etc. McConnell will lay low and take the heat. I really hope voters are waking up and seeing the uniparty and their games and finally vote some of these losers out.

  7. “I can make sure that the House delivers. I don’t run the Senate, I run the House,”

    was this an answer on the professional politician test ?

    this isn’t an answer, this is a dodge !

    what a schmuck !

  8. @Pamazon
    I agree.
    The limited success rate does show “It can be done”.
    I’ll match your $50, I would like nothing more than to see Ryan retired from Congress to pull his Cadillac pension and healthcare. He may lose, but the taxpayers will be paying him his entire life and his lobbyist firm will enrich him further. BUT at least he would be gone !

  9. Just a reminder to everyone…Paul Ryan didn’t want the job to begin with.
    The GOP got on their knees and begged him to take it.

    Be careful what you ask for, you just may get it.

  10. There are no Republicans left. Just Liberal progressives calling themselves Republicans and expressing their contempt for We The People with every breath they take.

  11. @Mickey Moussaoui

    Ryan was a reluctant leader then and he remains that now.
    If you can say his actions can remotely be considered leadership.
    He didn’t support Trump, He’s worked against him and his agenda. As Ryan stated he’s not there to further Trump’s agenda. That’s the first times he’s been honest.

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