Angry mother SLAMS Spanish teacher for ‘privilege’ homework – IOTW Report

Angry mother SLAMS Spanish teacher for ‘privilege’ homework

“You’re here to teach my child a foreign language, nothing else”


A Spanish teacher has been removed from class by the Hillsborough County School District after sending 12-year-olds home with a ‘privilege’ assignment.

The assignment had children determine ‘how much privilege they have’ by filling out a chart.

According to the assignment it would appear that white, christian, ‘cis-gendered’, straight, able-bodied males have the maximum amount of privilege.

The categories the teacher asked to fill out were “Race,” “Skin Color,” “Religion,” “Sex,” “Gender,” “Sexual Orientation” and “Disability.”

Interesting to note that under race, ‘Native American’ wasn’t listed. It would appear as if the Spanish teacher wasn’t checking her privilege and considering everyone…


10 Comments on Angry mother SLAMS Spanish teacher for ‘privilege’ homework

  1. what’s the point of all these social justice warriors bringing this white privilege crap up all the time?

    according to them it doesn’t matter that you are white, male and rich, because you can always just “self identify” as poor black and female according to the same warriors, right?

    if obama want so to “self identify” as the first black qualified for president, poof, he’s the first black qualified for president.
    if hillary wants to “self identify” as a woman qualified for president, poof, she’s a woman qualified for president.
    if michael wants to “self identify” as a black woman married to barack named michelle, then poof, michael is a black woman married to barack named michelle.
    if bernie wants to “self identify” as a socialist, then poof he’s a socialist.

    personally I think they are all just poofs.

  2. My “white privilege” entailed me getting beaten unconscious and left for dead in a field by six or seven racist black guys back when I was 18. Screw anyone who doesn’t like me just because I’m white. They’re nothing but racist shit heads.

  3. And yet, it was “white privilege” that got this hispanic bint hired in the first place.
    Anyone know where she lives? May be time to pay her a little midnight visit. . . . .

  4. From the article:

    The unnamed teacher told local media that the assignment was designed to teach students about ‘diversity’ and ‘inequality’.

    Wrong. The assignment was designed to teach students to be ashamed of their culture and heritage. Because WAAAAAHHH!

  5. Uncle Al,

    It is my long-held belief that these exercises have nothing to do with culture or heritage, race or gender, and everything to do with beating into the heads of the easily swayed (the young, the stupid, the left…but I repeat myself) that others will tell you what you can and cannot think. This constant goal post shifting and increasingly shrill screeching is designed to get people to just give up and wait until they are told what is allowed and what is not allowed.

    End goal: total subjugation (and the current thought police think they will be on top – though that is NEVER how these things turn out).

    Probable end result: the howling left devouring itself until the next round of insanity.

  6. oops, she made a mistake.

    She put all the out-of-favor ones at the top.


    A peep into her obsessive mind.

    Go fill out a current Gov form. You’ll find White is last these days – because “whites first is BAD”.

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