Angry People Think They’re Smarter Than They Are – IOTW Report

Angry People Think They’re Smarter Than They Are

Oh no. Another study that suggests the perpetually angry left might not be as smart as they think they are.


If you know someone who’s generally ill-tempered, it might please you to know that they’re probably not as smart as they think they are. That’s because, unlike other negative emotions, anger seems to make people overconfident about their intelligence, a new study suggests.

“Anger differs significantly from other negative emotions, such as sadness, anxiety or depression,” Marcin Zajenkowski, study author and psychologist at the University of Warsaw in Poland, told PsyPost.

Previous research has shown that anger is an unusual negative emotion in that it’s often associated with positive traits, like optimism. But how anger affects perceived intelligence was unclear. Zajenkowski and his colleague suspected that angry people might be more likely to overestimate how smart they are.


WaitForIt, the tipster, attached this gif, the Queen of Angry–>


20 Comments on Angry People Think They’re Smarter Than They Are

  1. A warning label from a DK album comes to mind. Warning, this contains an image that some may find repulsive or disturbing but life can sometimes be that way. Either way let us all thank God that women is not our POTUS.

    The last part I added.

    P.S., I’ll never see her face without thinking of this- I’ll be laughing and no one will know why. Thanks for that

  2. I disagree with the categorization of anger as a negative emotion. There are any number of events, conditions, people’s actions or words, etc., for which any reaction other than anger borders on avoidance or even a rejection of the real world you live in.

    I’m generally a pretty happy guy, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get angry at legitimately anger-inducing things.

  3. When Obama said, “in the past The United States acted arrogantly” that made me angry.

    So I’m nuts, eh?

    When obama said, “we live in the greatest country on earth. Won’t you help me change it?” I went ballistic.

    Yes. I’m certifiable I suppose.

  4. I’ve always viewed Bill “Stud” Clinton as a sociopath. He always believed women wanted what he had to offer (weird bent penis, herpes lips and all) so reported. Now, his “partner” is the psychotic side, to defend, protect, threaten and do his homework assignments. How else could this DIRT Rhodes Scholar that needed a psycho get anything done? Hillary, the world (just like Bill), has always hated you. Being the “smartest woman in the world” as labeled by the press after 2 failed elections and a fake marriage just proves how deluded and mental you have always been.

  5. The writer is talking about being generally “ill-tempered”, not being righteously angered. There’s a huge difference. All well-adjusted people can and should be angered by anything that strikes at the soul from an evil intent. That’s right and good. But we don’t let that anger linger and hollow us out the way some poor souls do.

    I can understand how the perpetually aggrieved/angry person loses out on intellect — and wisdom. One has to be arrogant to be so intolerant of info that interferes with with their angry opinions. No new input.

  6. If it comes Constantly from the Reptillian part of the Brain as with angry Lib’s nothing else can penetrate, it’s too stubborn a part of the Brain to let other thought’s in.
    I think it’s a Longevity problem.

  7. That prick who screams JUST DO IT seems pretty angry and he’s not very smart. What’s his name, Shia Le Faggit.

    Matt Foley wasn’t quite as angry, I consider him the smarter motivational speaker. Besides, living in a van down by the river doesn’t sound so bad.

    That is, it seems a more fulfilling life versus the hum drum of “he will not divide us” robot screamed angrily into a webcam.

  8. My older sister is one of the angriest and meanest people I have ever known. If you ever met her, five minutes wouldn’t pass before she would let you know that she has a masters degree. She treated our mother very badly up until my mom passed away in April. My sister couldn’t believe she had been excluded from our mother’s will, but she is having to sleep in the bed that she made. Mom did the right thing even though it was a very difficult and heart breaking decision for her to make.

  9. Hambone

    Your one of my favorites here. My condolences. The family stuff is the toughest. When my parents passed it was just my brother and I so it wasn’t the bad. My wife has two sisters, one a Libtard, who I actually like, and a brother. It looks like the unmarried older sister will inherit just about everything. I was in the uncomfortable position of being summoned by the wifes parent to let know what’s up. Their life, their money. How can you argue with that.

  10. This is an interesting observation. One of my younger brothers has everything a guy could ask for, money, kids, grandkids, plenty of work if he wants it, and he will drink until he has to be hospitalized. He was born with a chip on his shoulder, and he is a typical educated, liberal elitist. He stopped talking to me a few years ago but from what I’ve heard he hasn’t changed much.


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