“Angry White Male Studies” Now Available for Credit at Kansas – IOTW Report

“Angry White Male Studies” Now Available for Credit at Kansas

Campus Reform

For the Fall 2022 semester, the history department at the University of Kansasis offering Angry White Male Studies as a course that will explore the “prominent figure” that is “the angry white male.” 

“This course charts the rise of the ‘angry white male’ in America and Britain since the 1950s, exploring the deeper sources of this emotional state while evaluating recent manifestations of male anger,” the course description reads.  

“Employing interdisciplinary perspectives this course examines how both dominant and subordinate masculinities are represented and experienced in cultures undergoing periods of rapid change connected to modernity as well as to rights-based movements of women, people of color, homosexuals and trans individuals,” it continues. More

20 Comments on “Angry White Male Studies” Now Available for Credit at Kansas

  1. I’ll challenge the course;

    Whatever a woman can do, a man can do much better.

    Black folks will succeed only when they figure out it’s on them.

    Men should only put their dicks in two places, and a butt hole is not one of them.

    Giving minorities a position they did not earn because of their skin color is the very definition of racism.

    Judging anyone solely by an immutable trait is not just stupid, it’s evil.

    How’d I do?

  2. Lawrence Kansas is the home of the University of Kansas. I think they should change their name to Larry Kansas and only drink PBR while wearing a dirty wife beater and watching the latest PBR on CBS…

  3. I’m well versed in “angry White man”. Maybe I could get an internship there, become tenured and then be able to say stupid shit all the time and nobody can do anything about it.


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