Animals Seem To Know Who Is Special – IOTW Report

Animals Seem To Know Who Is Special

7 Comments on Animals Seem To Know Who Is Special

  1. Horses are very sensitive animals and they can be really great therapy companions for people with disabilities and war veterans. I know of a few private stables where they provide such therapy. They are really wonderful animals. My horses got me through my teenage years by listening to all my perceived “troubles”. 😁 Excellent listeners with soft, kissable noses. 😁

  2. Sometimes they spot the bad ones. We had a Chesapeake Bay we always refer to as our “No Shit” dog. One day the wife calls me in a panic at work and tells me old Bud just bit the shit out of some utility guys hand. (PG&E). Except he was on the wrong side of the house. I can hear old Bud trying to crash through the slider. Slider, family room, entrance way, front door. A strait shot. So I asked, where’s the guy now. I let him in to wash up his wound. Where? Down stairs bathe. OK, I want you to haul ass over to that slider, put you hand on the handle and when he reappears tell him leave or your letting the dog in. I hung on the phone as she did what I instructed. I had her wait about 5 minutes and then let the mutt in just in case.
    We alerted our home owners insurance. There was never a claim filed. A week later we read in the local throw away how there was a gang of house theifs casing places dressed as PG&E meter readers


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