Ann Barnhardt – “Cut the Crap: Novus Ordo Nuns are Going Extinct Because Most of Them Are …” – IOTW Report

Ann Barnhardt – “Cut the Crap: Novus Ordo Nuns are Going Extinct Because Most of Them Are …”

You have to go here to see the rest.

JD Hasty, the tipster, says, “when I clicked on her site I was on my hands and knees laughing so hard I couldn’t recover.”

21 Comments on Ann Barnhardt – “Cut the Crap: Novus Ordo Nuns are Going Extinct Because Most of Them Are …”

  1. That’s a direct and true hit. It took me a while to come to terms with the Jesuit – commie take over. As a young adult, the jokes about dyke nuns were few. Now they’re earned.

  2. My brother said that as a youngster he wasn’t real comfortable standing within lightening striking distance of me when I have had similar things to say regarding individuals and organizations within the hierarchy of The Church. Particularly, these covens ill repute masquerading as religious orders, but he had to admit that in his opinion: an objective assessment of the situation could not but lead any rational person to the same conclusions.

    Regarding The Church, I never have had any fear that God would strike out at those who defend her from those who deliberately cause scandal or outright attacks from within.

    Ann impresses me as having those traits.

  3. @RosalindJ,

    Malachi Martin’s book: The Jesuits really filled me in on what the Jesuits had morphed into. I think I read it in 1987 or so, but by that juncture had already formed an opinion on that den of vipers.

    When I was going to a Benedictine University in around 1995 I was in the Campus Ministry and the subject came up for discussion and my sole contribution, as I walked out the door on my way to class was: If it were up to me every Goddamned one of them would be excommunicated and the excommunication only lifted after a thorough and exhaustive vetting that included surveillance of every bathhouse within a 200 mile radius of where they reside or regularly visit.

    That simple comment set off a firestorm that reverberated around campus for a week.

    Speaking of Malachi Martin,
    Fr. Malachi Martin affirmed: Satanism has been practiced in the Vatican…

    and today’s message from Church Militant pretty much affirms that is is still going strong under Bergoglio
    The diabolical is in Rome.

  4. I have an honest question to ask those here who are practicing Catholics, how can you support this church? If you’re tithing to the Catholic church, you are paying them to participate in such activities. I don’t get it. Here’s more priests being brought on on sexual misconduct charges. It’s never ending.

  5. That was hilarious, but Barnhardt is slightly delusional if she thinks the Jezebel spirit she just described doesn’t exist in the era of #MeToo and #BelieveHer. Young Catholic lesbian nun orders are destine to be a reality.

  6. Charity is one thing, but using “charity” as a means to flood the country with criminal 3rd world savages, in the hopes they’ll take up the cross, and foist them off on the rest of us, is hardly Christian either.


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