Ann Coulter Has The Best Take On Whether Trump Should Fire Mueller – IOTW Report

Ann Coulter Has The Best Take On Whether Trump Should Fire Mueller

Daily Caller: Conservative commentator Ann Coulter had a take on whether special counsel Robert Mueller should be fired or not–and every Trump supporter should read it.

Coulter tweeted Tuesday:

Mueller is DYING to get fired. Then he’ll be a martyr! A hero! Otherwise, he’s just a loser who couldn’t find any crimes by Trump.


REMINDER: Special Counsel was appointed because of Trump’s own Lester Holt interview – “I FIRED COMEY OVER RUSSIA!” — not Sessions’ recusal.


2d worse thing @realDonaldTrump could do is fire Mueller and make him a martyr. Fire Rosenstein. Fire Marc Short. Fire Nielsen. Let Mueller twist.


15 Comments on Ann Coulter Has The Best Take On Whether Trump Should Fire Mueller

  1. Mueller is a criminal from his days in Boston. Get the evidence on him a let him be arrested for his crimes. Two men arrested because he with held evidwnce and two died in false imprisonment.

  2. Yes, exactly. It is so obvious that they are trying to goad him, and they arrogantly believe Trump is too dim to figure that out. All day long on the radio, the news readers bleat, “The mood is dark at the White House. Trump is angry, angrier than they’ve ever seen him! They don’t know if they can keep him under control! Top aides are worried that he’ll lash out!” Meanwhile, all the usual UniParty assholes are warning Trump not to fire Mueller. And some journos are believing that life has been made so difficult for Trump that he can be bought out of his Presidency. None of them can conceive the possibility that Trump is the smooth operator and Mueller is the one who is angry and out of control. Keep playing out the rope to them, Trump

  3. don’t fire him … just dry up his budget …
    you want pencils? … sorry, we can’t allocate any more $$$ …. toilet paper? … sorry, no $$$ …

  4. The way to rein in Meuller is to cut off his support team in the DOJ, esp Rosenstein. Fire Rosenstein and his coup plotters and make Meuller go to a 5 judge panel to approve any actions. Let him sweat the next 2.5 years and then Trump can fire him after his Jan 20, 2020 swearing in.

  5. During the Benghazi hearings Muller was given the respect of a mob boss by the criminals in congress. Every single congressman gave Muller sugar coated gushing praise prior to asking the softball questions. It was an obvious display of sucking up to the guy who covered up the crimes of
    Obama and Hillary. I remember asking myself if this was a chance to kiss Muller’s ring or a congressional hearing? I want Trump to torment him like a cat with a mouse.

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