Ann Coulter: Reduce Mass Shootings with Immigration Moratorium, Mass Deportations – IOTW Report

Ann Coulter: Reduce Mass Shootings with Immigration Moratorium, Mass Deportations


Saturday on Fox News Channel’s “Watters’ World,” conservative columnist Ann Coulter elaborated on her column published days earlier linking mass shootings to immigration.


Coulter said 47 percent of mass shooting since 2000 had been committed by first- or second-generation immigrants. Based on that she argued ending former Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) 1965 immigration law would cut those types of shooting “in half.”

“I would like to do something, too,” she said. “And that is an immigration moratorium and mass deportations. As I wrote about this week, 47 percent of all mass shootings since 2000 have been committed by first- or second-generation immigrants. I mean, if you take out some of the frightening ones and some of the spectacular ones committed by immigrants and the children of immigrants — San Bernardino, the Pulse Night Club, Fort Hood, Virginia Tech. You take out some of the really big ones, what you’re left with are these sad young men with what is clearly paranoid schizophrenia. And then we can deal with it as a mental health problem. But you want to cut mass shootings in half, like that — you got to put an end to Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act. Just so Teddy could have a legacy, we have to live with twice as many mass shootings.” WATCH

14 Comments on Ann Coulter: Reduce Mass Shootings with Immigration Moratorium, Mass Deportations

  1. Just so Teddy could have a legacy

    There’s only so many hours in day. If he drove us all in super-buses, there’s no way to get everybody underwater. If we all pile into sedans, we’d still be waiting, now that Saint Teddy is gone. Sometimes government just has to do things incrementally.

  2. I try to write this as often as I can…I lived in several places in Mexico and if you were not into drugs, it was very safe. The reason was that every place I lived sent its new jailbirds to the USA through California…on school busses…every month. The mentally ill were sent to keep them from ruining the image and in Mazatlan my friend and I hitched a ride…This saved Mexico money by reducing incarceration costs ..1990 through 1994..

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