Ann Coulter: The Transcript We Really Want To See – IOTW Report

Ann Coulter: The Transcript We Really Want To See

The Democrats are several levels deep in cover-your-assery.
Biden wants to cover up that Ukraine business with his kid. (I’m sure they’ll get to the whole China stuff later.)
The Deep State and Hillary need to cover their asses over Crowdstrike.
Pelosi is a tired old woman who let the Sirens of DC lure her to crash and shatter her authority on the rocks of a phony impeachment.

The more they ‘investigate’ Trump, the more dirt we find on the Dems.
You’d think they’d notice the trend by now.

VDARE/ Ann coulter:

The transcript of President Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky is yet another illustration of the rule: Never ask a question you don’t know the answer to.

But on the basis of one drama queen’s overreaction to a rumor she’d heard about what was said on a phone call she didn’t hear (I’m assuming the whistleblower is Christine Blasey Ford), the Democrats have launched impeachment proceedings against the president.

I guess they figured it’s easier than flying to South Dakota with picks and chisels and carving Trump into Mount Rushmore. But it will have the same effect.

Now that the transcript has been released, it’s the New York Times that doesn’t want anyone to see it.

The transcript I’d like to see is the one of Nancy Pelosi reading the Trump transcript.

F@@@@@@CK! Whose f***ing idea was it to demand this goddamn transcript?




The absolute worst version for Trump—i.e. the one being repeated non-stop on MSNBC—is that he did exactly what Obama and Biden were doing to Ukraine: intimidating an ally into giving us something in exchange for the foreign aid we were giving them.

Biden himself bragged about getting Ukraine’s prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold a big fat check from them.

The Democrats’ argument is: No, no, no! When WE were pressuring Ukraine, we were doing it for good! Don’t you understand? We’re good; they’re bad.

The other reason the media are going to have to bury this transcript is that Trump brought up a few items that the media have been hoping the public would never find out about. more

7 Comments on Ann Coulter: The Transcript We Really Want To See

  1. I wonder if Fredo Cuomo will tell all 3 of his viewers that they aren’t allowed to read the transcripts of the phone call, the way he told them that it was against the law for them to read Podesta’s emails. 🐍🙄

  2. You’re right AA, Ann ought to just publish the Ann Coulter magazine. They’re priced about the same as a hardback book now days, and with subscribers her monthly income might be more predictable, better than a shortfall following a book that tanked before it left the printers facility. otoh, she probably thinks it’s cooler to a book author than a magazine author.

  3. To hell with Coulter. She’s up on the President then she’s down. Never fails to take a shot at him when she pontificates. Complained that the wall wasn’t being built immediately apparently thinking the President Trump could build it without the House’s permission who hold the purse strings. Before getting the money by alternative means, he made sure to be on the record seeking the House’s approval. So therefore, f@%k Ann and f@%k the House.


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