The “Whistleblower’s” Complaint Released – IOTW Report

The “Whistleblower’s” Complaint Released

11 Comments on The “Whistleblower’s” Complaint Released

  1. “I find these accounts of these events to be credible because, in almost all cases, multiple officials repeated fact patterns that were consistent with one another.”

    The media are all consistent with one another every day, yet it’s still fake news.

    And WTF are “fact patterns”? Can we just go with the old standby, “recollections”? Especially if we aren’t sure that there are any facts?

  2. D’oh! Biden raped me 30 years ago, as I was told by numerous credible people, who heard the story re-told by a *totally* reliable source.


    *it’s a cliche, a metaphor, Secret Service…

  3. “I was NOT a witness to the events described”

    But you have to believe me because I heard it from a friend of a friend who knows the janitor at the 7-11 down the street that has a cousin that washes cars at the motor pool at the CIA building in Salt Lake City.

  4. The IG over the IC does not oversee the President.

    The “whistleblower complaint” is not from what legally is a “whistleblower”.

    The “whistleblower complaint” is not a whistelblower complaint but a story about what anti-Trump anonymice are spinning.

    This is so FU.

    I’m starting to get real angry. Not about this constant noise (the instant Hail Mary clearly is desperation to cover up investigation into the “predicates” of spying on Trump and co., and more), but about where the hell is Barr, Durham, indictments, DAMN it. That’s the only thing that will stop this nonsense from the corruptocrats in both parties.

  5. >>The “whistleblower complaint” is not from what legally is a “whistleblower”.<<

    That threw me at first, because I expected the Office of Special Counsel, which deals specifically with "whistleblower" protection, to be front and center in this new Deep State ploy. The fact that the OSC is nowhere to be found with this super-special "whistleblower" tells me that this is just more deep state dossierama.

    And Mitt. Check the transcript, candyass.


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