Chinese Manufactured Motherboards For Election Voting Machines Are Being Exported To The U.S. – IOTW Report

Chinese Manufactured Motherboards For Election Voting Machines Are Being Exported To The U.S.

Details from Emerald Robinson, Peter Bernegger, and more.

12 Comments on Chinese Manufactured Motherboards For Election Voting Machines Are Being Exported To The U.S.


    They’ve been proven to be fixed (as in rigged) to enable cheating. By now there should be enough evidence that they should be banned no matter who makes them!

  2. There’s not much that isn’t made in or owned by the Chinese.
    Apparently nobody cares and won’t until they shut off the supply.
    Like going into the basement after the tornado passes.

  3. Paper ballots hand counted. It’s easy, simple, and because we already know how to set it up this way with multiple cross-checks, it’s dead accurate.

    Volume a problem? I think not. I’d be delighted to volunteer my time (that’s WITHOUT PAY for those in Baltimore) and I know tons of other people who feel the same way.

    I might be OK if we used Chinese paper but I’d want us to use our own pens.

  4. Voting machines are a bad joke. I realized that even as a child, going with my mother into a voting machine booth and watching her flip handles that even as a child, realized anyone can adjust the results of the voting booth’s “machine”. Paper ballots or bust.

  5. It’s been claimed if you stand very still, close your eyes & be very very quiet you can go back to that time with your mommy. What a derp, but butt I remember, no you remember jack shit. WTF, paper ballots can’t be tampered with or “lost” or replaced by “your fake ballots”. This will never ever happen especially because some cheat’n ass republiCONS want it. I real think a lot of folks were born or hatched in the wrong century. The 17th,18th & 19th centuries are long gone along with paper ballots, tards.

  6. In our state one needs a state issued ID to get a voter’s registration card. So what you
    talk’n bout Willis. I said my thoughts about paper ballots, they won’t work. This article is about motherboards used in voting machines. Surely no one checks & then double checks these motherboards either. The only ones making claims like this belong to one party. Case after WASTED case in court has come up empty, like space between your ears.

  7. new motherboards= new machines= new problems
    the chainese will just use the technology they stole from us to steal more
    and they won’t let the otherboards be analysed, claiming it is ‘proprietary information’
    have we reached a state where we have other countries control our elections?
    made in America, using a foreign recipe

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