Ann Coulter: Whatever It Takes – IOTW Report

Ann Coulter: Whatever It Takes


The Democrats’ current position on the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh is: We cannot have someone addicted to beer on our highest court! What if a foreign power were to ply him with this nectar in a can? Talk about taking control of our government! Suppose they throw in a case of Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier?

A bitter college roommate is going whole hog, wailing, He lied about being a beeraholic.

By the media’s account, Kavanaugh was a bounder, a brawler and a drunk. And yet he still managed to graduate at the top of his class, go to Yale, then to Yale Law and work in the highest positions in government.

I am in awe of his manliness. Hemingway has nothing on this guy! He should be our president. To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln after being told Ulysses S. Grant was a drunk, let’s find out what Kavanaugh drank and send a barrel of it to every college student.

At least the Democrats seem to have moved on from the Crazy Ladies Who Must Be Believed.  read more

17 Comments on Ann Coulter: Whatever It Takes

  1. Her closing line sums it up nicely (but unfortunately):

    “The Democrats have a pair of twos, but they expect Republicans to fold. Why? Because that’s what Republicans always do!”

    Sure hope it doesn’t happen now, but I’ve said that umpteen times in the past.

  2. I find this to be pretty funny too. But I am also upset because everyday we are lectured by the media about “feelings”. More and more the facts are less important. I see it at work all the time. A Manager didn’t get a required report, cause Susie didn’t get around to it… but that’s ok, cause, ya know, her husband’s first cousin’s college roommate died from IBS in the 80s..and yesterday was the 30 year anniversary of that tragic event. You know.. feelings before facts.

  3. The nihilistic totalitarians (Demonrats) object to the Constitution and all who would uphold it.

    THAT is the basis of their opposition. THAT is the fount of all their lies.

    What I cannot understand is why no-one (Republican, Demonrat, Pundit, or Academician) is saying it out loud! Why is there such a widespread antipathy to simple facts? It wobbles the mind.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Why isn’t Ford being investigated? What’s her connection to Soros? Why weren’t her students interviewed about how afraid of her they are?
    Kavanaugh got all huffy and angry. What about Hillary getting all huffy and ” what diff at this point does it make….” !!!!!!!!@#$%^ How quickly they forget!!!

  5. One thing I noticed about the Republicans (in this case, at least). They usually will not fight to gain power but will fight to hold on to it once they have it. Look and McConnell and Lindsey Graham, both became impassioned once someone threatened to take away their crayons.

    Maybe this too is the Trump effect.

  6. Breyer Arrested for Underage Drinking, Ginsburg ‘Not 100 Percent Sober’ at Obama State of the Union.

    Justice Breyer, 80, was arrested for underage drinking when he went to Stanford in the 1950s reported the Washington Post back in 1994:

    “At Stanford, he had his share of high jinx, getting arrested at one point for underage drinking. But after four years, he had received just one B, which left him, in the words of a classmate, “distraught.””

    Breyer spoke about the arrest to NPR in 2015

  7. Speaking of loose ends that ought to be investigated –
    What ever was the conclusion about Joe DiGenova’s comment to investigate what was being said about Christine Ford among the PGA Tour crowd?

    I think I saw something about one of her BFF’s being a retired PGA golfer, but nothing beyond that.

  8. TIM
    Probably long before you got long pants both Barry (’64) and Ron (’66 to ’88) talked about it. AND SAID IT OUT LOUD! the UNIPARTY has done a very good job of keeping it “behind the curtain”. because they hate facts! How else can you account for: “ROP” + “An act of love>”!???@#$% Many UNIPARTY folk are very “Right Brained”! Totally not the same as rightist.

  9. Chris Cuomo crashed his car trying to be the STOONAD asshole trying to show off. Was HE BUZZED even from ONE or TWO mixed drinks? The ones with the DOUBLE shots?

    I cannot imagine this asshole drinks beer…

    Yeah, Let’s bring it on CHRIS. I will get in the gutter with YOU.


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