Annnnnnnnd It Gets Even Worse For CNN – Now They Are Faking Quotable Quotes – IOTW Report

Annnnnnnnd It Gets Even Worse For CNN – Now They Are Faking Quotable Quotes

A writer smelled a rat, so he had a pal look into this quote to confirm its veracity.

Turns out it’s a bastardization of a Lincoln quote, out of context. In context it’s actually a condemnation of politicians who “fake news.”

See here

26 Comments on Annnnnnnnd It Gets Even Worse For CNN – Now They Are Faking Quotable Quotes

  1. They even chisel fake news into the wall at the “Newseum”? Who pays for that crap hole? God knows what other bullshit they pass off as facts. PDT could probably find a Twitter gold mine of fake news on the walls in there. They’ll be hanging a lot of black plastic sheets soon…”Pardon our dust. Renovations in progress.”

  2. Congress shall make no law respecting a liquor selling establishment prohibiting the free exercise of the bending elbow thereof; or abridging the freedom of drunkenness.

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