Announcement Expected Tomorrow at 11am – IOTW Report

Announcement Expected Tomorrow at 11am

Barring a Trump curveball, Mike Pence is expected to be named Trump’s vice president.

If it turns out to be Gingrich I’ll quickly whip up a new logo.


25 Comments on Announcement Expected Tomorrow at 11am

  1. I’ve got no big problem with Pence.
    Newt’s got quite a bit of political and personal baggage.
    There are worse choices.
    At least Pence isn’t a bumbling fool.

  2. How many times have the media wizards of smart told us that the VP pick will be person A, B, or C and the. It turns out to be nobody on their list? Palin and Cheney were bolts out of the blue. Don’t remember about Ryan, but both Romney and Ryan are easily forgettable.

    It’ll be something weird. Like Rosie O’Donnell. Ok. Maybe not THAT weird.

  3. I would love it to have been Cruz too, taking over in 4 or 8 years after prosperity has been restored. But in his attempt to pass Trump Cruz generated too much animosity.
    Pence seems more like a placeholder, not contributing much. I would have preferred a more dynamic VP. But I admit I don’t know a whole lot about him. Regardless, I doubt any VP pick will have much influence on the outcome in November.

  4. Hey BFH,
    Lot’s of words and symbology come into play here with TRUMP-PENCE. I’m sure you already thought of the “TRUMPETS” analogy. Lot’s of TRUMPETS in the bible, a rallying sound to gather the people..etc. I like this ticket.

  5. According to Michael Savage today Pence is a middle of the road Republican. He is very big on Charter schools and cited 68-26% White’s support charter schools, Blacks 76-20% and 76-21% Latino’s support charter schools. Bringing in Minority’s an maybe helping to get rid of Common Core?

  6. @Brad
    Nobody can deny it. He is a master at applying the latest technology, culture and recent events into his strategy. This is like nothing I have ever seen before.

  7. For michellesbigbeaver, CR is Levin’s mag and Levin is your quintessential old man yelling at kids to get off his lawn-he’s still bitter about Cruz losing and the 1 time I tuned in in the last 6+ months, it’s like his show is 100% all the time bashing Trump.

    So I expected no less then the bashing he got at His 10 Things I Should Know(ohhh, he was a dem when he was 20…)I did read a nice account today of Pence at BB. I know he caved recently to the homos but aside from that he’s been fairly solid. I’m happy enough to have Trump, and Pence, like LBS said, can either help a little or hurt a lot and I believe he’ll help.

    No matter what you think, there’ll be no more Biden type character to OMG at.

  8. MM: I am voting for Trump no matter who he picks. You can put on your rose colored glasses and masturbate to Pence all you want but he does not come to the table without baggage. You mentioned his years as a dem, who cares? Donald and Ronald were dems as well. Then his homo capitulation problem but you ignored the other things mentioned, some stuff that clearly predates his VP aspirations. I understand how important it is to keep Hillary out of the WH and I know there is no perfect candidate but remember that “truth does not fear investigation”….

  9. I have about 7 reasons I think Pence is a good choice even though I’ve said “noooo” after his name was first volleyed about. The only real gripe I’ve had with Pence as my governor (I’d vote for him again though as governor.) is that Common Core business as stated in the article.

    I think CC has to be dealt with at the national level, not on the state level, because SATs are entrenched in the CC mentality. I’m wondering if that would have been a hindrance to IN students who will eventually be taking SATs. (Just supposition but not an excuse for our still using the texts.)

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