Announcing “The Visions” – IOTW Report

Announcing “The Visions”

“Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word; for mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all people…” [Luke 2: 29-31]

Announcing “The Visions”, my ninth collection of short stories. Two of the stories appeared on my blog briefly, as they were completed; one appeared on iOTWr before my blog began. The collection also includes a poem which I wrote several decades ago, but which has stayed on my mind to the present day.

The stories are dystopian, compassionate, revelatory. I hope you will enjoy them–perhaps they will give you cause to think.

Contents: “Cars”, “Nunc Dimittis”, “The Visions”, and “The Horsemen”.

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