Anonymous Reader’s Take on Recent Dayton Shooting – IOTW Report

Anonymous Reader’s Take on Recent Dayton Shooting

They didn’t request to be anonymous, I’m just not authorized to post it. I am because I find it interesting.

What do you think?

Kiss Trump and the guns goodbye. Very interesting timing on these shootings. They are saying the Ohio guy is white as well. Speculation about Antifa but I am sure they’ll pin it on Trump. Pin it meaning his name will be associated with these shooting to make the weak-kneed swing voters not support him because they don’t feel safe.

This is going to be great fodder for the upcoming dem debates, they and the MSM are going to get endless traction out of it. More shootings likely coming. The Dems tactics are always the same but rather effective. If Trump goes to some form of gun control he’ll lose his hard-right people, if he goes soft he loses to the squishy left-leaning crowd.

Either way, he is out. Very effective political maneuvering. You should start solidifying your assets and harden them against the upcoming recession and shift from economic boom to a turndown which will likely be a collapse as investors and business builders stop hiring and building because they can’t trust Dems. The economic collapse will also be pinned on Trump.

Only God can save us now (he was the only one who could save us anyway). 

68 Comments on Anonymous Reader’s Take on Recent Dayton Shooting

  1. Everytime this happens we need to counter-attack with the facts about lives saved by guns. The dems, rinos and media have suppressed that info for far too long.

  2. Doom And Gloom. Trump is not Romney. Trump is not McCain.

    Trump does not and will not let the drive-by’s define the narrative. So what ever narrative they try to sell daily will run out of steam in a few weeks. (Unless Trump plays along which he wont.) There is no special prosecutor to keep this story going and trump has plenty of stories to release as a counter. Keep your Chin up people. /Salute

  3. F*CK this anonymous Doomsday clown.

    There are enough Tokyo Roses and Henny Pennies
    “On The Go-oo-od Ship NRO.”

    Go take a long *cruise* on a short plank.

  4. All P.Trump has to with regards to guns is nothing.
    And he will be fine. The left will come after him no matter what, and guns.
    Anything that is bad that happens is always his fault and he knows it and fights back.
    I for one do not agree with this forecast about what will happen to P.Trump.

  5. Jake Tapper is interviewing Bernie Sanders on CNN right now.
    Bernie is blaming Trump’s rhetoric and calling Trump a white nationalist.

    I’m waiting for Jake to ask Bernie if he thinks the El Paso shooter should be allowed to vote in the 2020 election.

    Guess i shouldn’t hold my fucking breath…

  6. Two facts that will never go away. A) Socialism turns entire countries into concentration camps. B) There has never been a concentration camp with well-armed inmates. The right to gun ownership is vital to maintaining our free republic.

  7. I don’t think the author took into full consideration the genius that Trump is. I do however agree that tough economic times are right around the corner, but I’ve been playing that same tune for the past 3 years now and have spent the past 10 years preparing for it.

  8. …as an Ohioan, I am forced to agree. This happened in Ohio because the President NEEDS Ohio, but Ohio’s always been a squishy purple, which is why our Governors are always RINOs.

    …also, this happened in Dayton because Montgomery County isn’t blue yet. It WOULD have happened down the road in more populous Cincinnati if the Democrats hasn’t ALREADY taken Hamilton County by gerrymandering, immigration, and Section 8 in the Obama years…

    Point by point…

    “Very interesting timing on these shootings.”
    …Yep, no accident, that. “Deep State? People are getting SHOT! Can’t talk about the Deep State NOW, what kind of monster ARE you?”

    “They are saying the Ohio guy is white as well.”
    …and he will BE White, no matter WHAT color he is. Ask George Zimmerman how THAT works.

    “Speculation about Antifa but I am sure they’ll pin it on Trump.”
    …at THIS point they are blaming hot days on Trump, so yes, they sure WILL.

    “This is going to be great fodder for the upcoming dem debates, they and the MSM are going to get endless traction out of it.”
    …as was intended.

    “More shootings likely coming. The Dems tactics are always the same but rather effective.”
    …the Devil is not creative, but he doesn’t NEED to be. Every generation forgets the lessons of the previous. Sin-stained Man NEVER changes. They use them because they WORK.

    “If Trump goes to some form of gun control he’ll lose his hard-right people, if he goes soft he loses to the squishy left-leaning crowd.”
    …he already angered his base with “bump stock” bans and agreeing that other things might be done, but didn’t impress the “squishies” in the LEAST with it, so absolute FAIL.

    “You should start solidifying your assets and harden them…”
    …tricky to do, since Democrats collected ALL the gold BEFORE, on pain of imprisonment. That’s where the Fort Knox Repository came from.
    And the “Obamacare” provisions for tracking “hard” asset transfers like gold and silver ARE STILL IN PLACE, and it may be we’re about to find out WHY…

    “…shift from economic boom to a turndown which will likely be a collapse as investors and business builders stop hiring and building because they can’t trust Dems. The economic collapse will also be pinned on Trump.”
    …all as planned. They WANT the US to be Third World. Easier to rule poor peasants than free men…

    “Only God can save us now (he was the only one who could save us anyway). ”
    …Amen. I have SOME hope because God gave us President Trump against all odds in the FIRST place against all odds, but the Bible DOES say it gets worse before the Lord comes back, and it’s looking like “sooner” rather than “later”…

    …this is also likely an outgrowth ot the President’s successful Cincinnati trip. They still see WAY too much Trump support here, they THOUGHT they had beaten us down at this point. Time for a sharp lesson, so they activate another sleeper shooter nearby, and here we are…

  9. Newtonian fatalism.
    This ain’t billiard balls. Nothing ‘has to be’- people have the ability to adapt, change and evolve, if they accept that they do indeed have those God given abilities and the courage to use them. I have faith that our President is not a fatalist. Nor am I.

  10. Very, and I mean very few politicians view the 2nd amendment favorably. The same could be said for many other rights guaranteed in our founding documents. They’re seen as obstructions to gaining total power. I’m far from being a conspiracy freak but even my dear Senator, Lindsey Graham 2.Zero is quoted as saying rights have “limitations”.

  11. I’m placing the blame for these incidents on the Democrats and the media. Donald Trump was elected President in November, 2016, and ever since then the Democrats and the media have refused to recognize him as President and have undertaken what are, particularly in retrospect, ridiculous efforts to have him removed from office without apology. Democrat legislators have publicly and continually characterized Trump as unfit for office and fraudulently elected based on no evidence at all. So-called “entertainers” such as Stephen Colbert have targeted the President for ridicule and impeachment. Any group who claims to be against Trump, such as antifa or black lives matter, is given a free pass to engage in violence. Any debate has been distilled to “you’re a racist, no, you’re a racist” with no discussion of issues or the consequences of proposed policies.

    Trump is a threat to the ruling class, and the ruling class has chosen to ignore that millions and millions of deplorables voted for him. Instead of debating issues or offering alternative policies, the Democrats and the media have take to attacking Trump voters and have turned a simple red hat bearing the phrase “MAGA” into a symbol of hatred and racism.

    In short, Democrats and the media have turned the American political process into a free-for-all where nothing is out of bounds and the rule of law, if applied at all, does not apply to anti-Trump hatred. Democrats and the media ignore the fact that major cities suffer numerous shootings and killings on a weekly basis and focus on high profile crimes like Gilroy, Texas and Ohio. Democrats and the media ignore their own actions in delegitimizing the rule of law or personal consequences when it comes to Trump hate. Democrats and the media concoct scenarios where Trump was unlawfully elected while covering up actual crimes committed by their own. Democrats and the media ignore and cover up the fact that the areas they control – and particularly the urban areas they control – are corrupt shit holes.

    This is the environment fostered by the Democrats and the media. They created this situation, and then hypocritically act outraged with some insane individual, preferably light skinned enough to pass as white, commits a horrific mass shooting.

    My apologies – we are supposed to be commenting on the rant which is the topic of this thread. I disagree with the premise of that rant because I think enough “deplorables” will see through what the Democrats and the media are trying to do. But regardless of what happens in the 2020 elections, the Democrats and the media have taken this country to places we don’t want to go.

  12. Deceit, deception, divisiveness and the fear the media creates fuels the misguided or mentally ill who have no faith or hope in the future.

    The good news of compassionate people and their deeds are rarely a front page “breaking” story.

    The media’s talking heads and front page “breaking news” revolves around Sedition, bogus political hearings, Riots, blocking interstates, murder, class division, racism, rich versus poor, beating conservatives, attacking Christianity, vilifying Jews, attempting to destroy President Trump, promoting the NWO, UN, islam, BLM, Antifa, socialism, climate change, evils of fossil fuels, acceptance of deviate sexual behavior — all of which creates the furor that fuels deviant and murderous acts.

  13. Very tragic. I hope we don’t become jaded to mass killings.

    If these shootings were coordinated, which, while it feeds the conspiracy theorist in me, I find somewhat incredulous, they are using up their resources way too early. The Left can pin this on Trump, and probably convince over half the population of it, but it will be forgotten long before November 2020. What really worries me is if this was coordinated, what do they have in store for us over the next 15 months? They tanked the global economy to get Obama elected.

  14. I’m not going to give up. My Hope is not in man, but in God. I don’t know what will happen, but I don’t have any control of what happens in the government other than what I can do as one citizen. I will keep doing what I can and trust the results to God. And pray.


    I’m as pessimistic as anybody here, as you all well know, but that’s just a line of BS. Everybody knows that the economy is better because of Trump, and people always vote their wallet. They remember Obamanomics.

    No one sane believes Trump is connected with these false flags much less responsible. Nobody but the Left likes mass shootings. That’s common knowledge now.

    If Trump loses, it will only be because massive leftist vote fraud on a scale hitherto undreamed of, not because of any shootings.

    Do not trust the Left, remain vigilant and armed at all times, but ignore that nonsense.

  16. When they do try to pin this on him, all Trump has to do is tweet out how many firearm murders they were in Chicago just this weekend, or on any weekend, or in any blue city. Ask every Democrat candidate why they haven’t stopped it. Ask if it’s because they don’t care about black Americans. Get them on defense, pointing fingers at each other again. The argument ends right there.

  17. No surprise it’s an anonymous theory – it’s pure bullshit.
    If anything, these incidents will have MORE people licensed to carry, because obviously cops & rentacops can’t be relied upon to be where needed.
    Not to mention how many people are willing to make a stand when it come to the 2nd amendment.
    Witness massive non-compliance to shit gun laws currently.

  18. I think more and more people are waking up to the fact that these are staged events.

    If you don’t believe that google “Rome Shubert” (Roman theater?) and watch the interviews he gave to the lame stream media

    Then go to and enter Rome Shubert you will find ZERO people are listed in the census with that name. And yet there he is on Fox news CNN and all the Satanic media the very next day Showing off the pea sized gun shot exit wound in the back of his head with a bandage taped to his friggin hair!


  19. Claudia
    AUGUST 4, 2019 AT 1:33 PM
    “I’m not going to give up. My Hope is not in man, but in God.”

    …rightly said! The Lord IS in charge, and only He knows when He will send His Son back.

    …but it is BECAUSE I believe on the Bible that I KNOW America WILL fall, sooner or later, as HE says EVERY nation WILL turn on Israel. It doesnt say “except America”.

    And Donald Trump will NOT let that happen, so sooner or later, an evil one WILL supplant him.

    “2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

    3 Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.”
    -Zechariah 14:2-3

    This is the ONLY reason I allow this could happen. We will exist as long as it pleases God that we do so. We will STOP existing when it DOESN’T.

    The only part we DON’T know is when it DOESN’T.

    …this Nation has shook it’s collective fist in His face for a long time now, and while God is long-suffering, He will not allow them to do it forever.

    And today is as good as tomorrow, if that is His will. He is no respecter of persons, and as He sent us Trump, so too can He take him from us when He decides it’s time.

    But it will be for the best. TRUE justice will come with a sword of righeousness born by the Lord, and those who defy Him NOW will then TRULY regret it.

    And those who stand WITH him will rule as his heirs.

    …so, we can and should occupy until the Lord comes, but our prayers to Him are our only REAL hope.

    As Anon says….

    “11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

    12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

    13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

    14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.”
    Revelation 11-14.

  20. I remember back in 2016, when the women started coming forward with their accusations against Trump. After three or four women came forward, Trump was doomed, it was said. And then more women came forward. And more, and more, until the whole setup was ridiculously obvious. Dems tend to overplay their hand because they don’t have complete control over their minions, and they don’t understand overkill. No pun intended.

    I’m worried that the Dems are in some way, beyond mere rhetoric, facilitating these shootings for political gain, and that think more mass shootings will be necessary for the narrative. as evidenced by Bill Maher, they’d be glad to see us suffer through a big recession if it got rid of Trump. What else might they wish for us to suffer through?

  21. All of the shooters pick a venue where they assume no one will be shooting back at them. The Ohio shooter would never go to Arizona and start shooting at the bar patrons, the Texas guy picked a bunch of ‘smelly’ Walmart people who he assumed crossed the Mex/AZ border unarmed, but wouldn’t go to any saloon in Texas populated by native Texans.
    Cowards who take advantage of the “gun-free” zones.

  22. srdem65
    AUGUST 4, 2019 AT 2:40 PM
    “All of the shooters pick a venue where they assume no one will be shooting back at them. The Ohio shooter would never go to Arizona and start shooting at the bar patrons…”

    …Ohio has CCW, but you are forbidden to (legally) carry IF you’re drinking in a bar.

    If it’s not the same in AZ you are correct, but if it IS, then they would die as easily as these did, and alk because- as you say – the bad guy KNOWS the good guys are unarmed…

  23. I will bet both of these assholes were flying big Red Flags. The little shit from Dallas has fruitcake written all over him and daddy is some sort of new age healer…I’ll bet a history of psychiatric “issues”. The only thing I’ve seen about the Dayton asshole is he shot his sister and had been living on the street. These two are prime Red Flag candidates and shouldn’t be allowed within 10 feet of a gun. “Ohhhh..we cant target people like this..responsible people will lose their weapons”…fuck you, go to a judge and get them back.

  24. “No one sane believes Trump is connected with these false flags much less responsible.”

    …true, @grool, but those who even sometimes support Democrats at this point ARE “no one sane”, INCLUDING “swing” voters…

  25. I agree with what @ Wyatt said and he said it better than I could.

    My one concern that pops up now and again is that there will be voters who like what Trump has done for the country but they are tired of the endless investigations and perpetual hate leveled at him in the media. They’ll decide maybe if he’s not elected again everything will settle down and go back to “normal.” So, they won’t vote. They don’t care what happens next-they just want the noise to stop.


    TRIED to watch Fox News Sunday while waiting for the only program I ever try to watch with regularity… (Wall Street Journal Editorial Report).

    Couldn’t do it. Orange Man Bad, Guns Bad, etc.
    Did they say that? Nope! That’s me interpreting it…

    The Democrats and the media will always dance on the blood and bodies of any of these shootings. And frankly (ACParker) I do believe we’ve become JADED to the point that most will shake their heads twice and move on after these events. Publicly that is while being questioned about it. If it’s not your ox being gored you don’t give a shit or find yourself invested in the discussion. When this thread hits page three will we be looking at it again?

    Looking out my sliding glass doors past the deck and beyond to the river; wall to wall boaters and people enjoying the sun, water and can you blame any of them for not enjoying their weekend? We’re in IL so none of this splashes on them. Look a little closer? There’s over 374 shot and killed in Chicago alone so far this year alone! Pass the Grey Poupon please…

    They say there’s 300 Million guns in the US, I’d put it at 400. They really gonna be able to collect them all? How many out there that would be in an institution and not part of the homeless population if they didn’t “start protecting their rights.” Their now hinting the Ohio thing could be an offshoot of a domestic situation. We’ve lost our way sports fans.

    In the Debate/Discussion most times you’re either “preaching to the choir” or wasting your breath on those that will not hear from either side. The world’s gone mad and what is Anymouse’s concern? He’s upset that they’ve replaced his program with coverage on the shootings.

    Not 100% of his concerns, as son and his wife our currently in the Philippines for a couple of weeks and worry for their safe return…

    Questions for the peanut gallery…
    Do you carry when you go out and about?
    Do you really think you have enough ammo?
    Do you reload? (If not why not?)

    They don’t have to take your guns. No ammo and they become boat anchors…
    No primers and all that brass, powder and bullets are worthless…
    Proper storage means primers and powder lasts almost indefinitely.

  27. Just said that the shooters sister is one of the dead. You think it might have had something to do with it?

    Trump should put out a cease and desist order for slander unless they can prove he’s a white supremacist.. If they keep it up, sue them.

  28. The Dems trotted out the 1%ers like Beto, Buttigieg, and Castro on the Sunday shows to denounce Trump, white people, and guns. Ho hum. Very predictable with predictable results – none. They don’t have a leader or a positive theme.

  29. Why do we never consider maybe people are fed up with the reactionary Democrats and their BS media that don’t even wait for facts or information, Frankly I find it absolutely disgusting that people are slaughtered and the first thing they do is fund raise and scream their own hateful rhetoric, It comes off terribly. I’m fed up with it and I suspect s lot of people are starting to see it for what it is and much like the p”ssy tape this will not end up damaging Trump like they hope,

  30. I understand why these shooters are young white males, and their parents are liberals. They hear the rhetoric at home constantly, their parents hatred for conservatives, and maybe their disdain for illegals coming into this country and their son can’t get a decent job. The Texas shooter, his father is one of those wacko yogi self-help guys.

    It doesn’t look like the shooters father was too zeroed in on his murderous son. IMHO, these shootings will not hurt Trump. Nope, I think it focuses the attention on wacko children raised by wackos liberal parents. Good Lawd, a self-help guru can’t even fix his son. His business is now in the $hitter and he’ll have to pound the pavement looking for a meaningful job. Might be too late for him.

  31. It is NOT being widely reported, NOT even mentioned, but believed by
    many, that a Police officer with a gun saved hundred of lives in Dayton, Ohio yesterday. Just sayin.’

  32. . . . for the sake of balance (amid the press hysteria): 29 people dead in these two incidents equates to half the average monthly shooting deaths (63) in Chicago in 2016 . Just sayin’.

  33. This so called Anonymous sounds like a NeverTrumper operative hoping against hope these shootings will discourage Trump supporters. Nothing could be further from the truth. His supporters have only become embolden. They continue to trust Mr. Trump’s America First policies.
    Constant coordinated Deep State sponsored shootings only confirm how determined the Left is destroy and control the only truly successful free and independent nation on Earth. They won’t be successful as long as we protect the Second Amendment. The Founding Fathers were brilliant and knew the only things keeping the country free of tyranny – God and gun ownership for self defense.

  34. Wasn’t it Coulter who said;
    “If you wanna know what the democrats are up to, just look at what they accuse the republicans of.”
    Truer words never spoken.
    If they’re willing to crash the economy to get in power…then partnering with pantyfa or any other bat guano psycho is no stretch.

  35. Correction for my above comment bad reporting they have the same last name. Her parents must be in deep shock.
    I am guessing they are in their late 40’s early 50’s, they will never heal unless they have a deep faith in God. How very very sad for them.

  36. Matters not whether Trump loses or wins, or some commie loses or wins…

    You’ll not be having my guns.

    Abolish the 2nd Amendment for all I care, you’re not having my guns.

    I truly feel sorry for any remaining family member of someone who ties to take Americas guns.

    There will be NO negotiation.

  37. I don’t think it will change as many minds as people think. I think most Trump supporters know that mass shooting reporting is insanely slanted against the right. And nobody, not even democrats, will be giving up their guns. The harder the MSM claims right wing violence is a problem, the more left wing violence it generates, leaving everyone on edge and looking for a gun.

    Someone in control of most of the news media wants a civil war in this country. These mass murdering wind up toys will keep popping out of the woodwork. It won’t stop.

  38. …keep in mind for the coming gun grab…

    “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
    -Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , “The Gulag Archipelago”

  39. And just like that, the FBI/DOJ helping Hamrod break the law & cover it up is completely overshadowed by multiple (false flag?) shootings with the political class parroting gun control …

  40. A little over a year ago I didn’t own a gun and really didn’t expect to ever need to. It was just a thought in the back of my mind that popped up occasionally.

    Now, Charlton Heston speaks for me. Cold dead hands.

  41. What bothers me the most is that, whether directly or indirectly arranged by the progressive Left/Deep State/whatever, there is an increasing amount of evil actions popping up all over our country. People are being murdered, children are being orphaned, parents are losing their precious children. Permanent damage to the heart and soul. Minds/opinions are being manipulated and USED, to create the maximum amount of instability and fear. It is very nearly “no holds barred”. IMO, it will become that, sooner or later; I’m thinking Door #1.

    The threshold of direct killing has been crossed–there is no longer any discernible stopping point. The Left clearly will do ANYTHING to regain power and control. Just listen to their rhetoric and Olympic-level lies.

    Better be prepared–physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

  42. 20 murdered in El Paso on the 3rd (less than half of the average).
    9 murdered in Dayton on the 4th (less than a quarter of the average).

    43 murdered every day (on average).

    Let’s try to keep it in perspective.

    We know the anti-American/totalitarian/nihilistic/socialists are going to push for “gun control” under any pretense. We also know that the pro-Americans are going to assume a defensive posture – babbling and making little sense. We also know that the lickspittle RINO twatwaffles are going to say “Yes … but …” conceding before the debate, surrendering before the fight.

    The simple fact is: they don’t want to take away your means of self-defense for YOUR protection (that’s a self-contradiction) but for THEIR protection – when you finally wake up to their corruptions, malfeasances, thefts, and Treasons.

    izlamo delenda est …


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