Another Biden Bait and Switch! – Wonder if Biden Voters Feel Stupid Yet? – IOTW Report

Another Biden Bait and Switch! – Wonder if Biden Voters Feel Stupid Yet?


White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday clarified that President Biden’s proposed tax hike would apply to people who earn $200,000 per year if they are married to someone who makes the same amount.

Psaki said at her daily press briefing that the proposed $400,000 threshold for tax increases applies to “families” rather than individuals.

The clarification significantly lowers the tax-hike threshold announced by Biden in an ABC News interview that aired Wednesday.

Biden’s interview statement appeared to indicate the cutoff would be $400,000 in individual income.

“Yes, anybody making more than $400,000 will see a small to a significant tax increase,” Biden told George Stephanopoulos.

Biden added, “If you make less than $400,000, you won’t see one single penny in additional federal tax.”



He is either a liar or completely clueless.

26 Comments on Another Biden Bait and Switch! – Wonder if Biden Voters Feel Stupid Yet?

  1. And thus it starts. “Mission creep” will chip away and lower that amount ($200K/$400K) over time. Teh Gooberment will ALWAYS spend & create more debt then it can/will ever pay off. The power to tax is the power to reward and punish.

    I remember reading something about when the 16th Amendment was ratified (1913), it was sold as “only affecting the wealthy/top 1% of income earners”. See where we are today.

  2. I’m sure Dementia Joe will clarify this at his first Press Conference, if it’s not cancelled because he has to go to the Canadian Border to address the challenge of all those Canucks flooding across the Niagara River.

  3. My Petey B and I made more than $400,000 last year so it looks like not only will my Petey B will be taking it in the ass as far as taxes are concerned but guess who else will be taking it in the ass as far as taxes are concerned? That’s right you hater potaters. My unbleached elastic starfish!

  4. It isn’t a presidential administration at all. It is the Democrat Party Empire.

    We aren’t living in a Republic anymore. The people that actually vote are a select few that we don’t even hear about. Our votes don’t count. This has become a political empire whose electors are unknown to us. President Trump was the last in a long line of presidents of the United States. This isn’t that.

    There is no president because this is now the Democrat Party Empire. The Republic isn’t.

  5. Brad
    MARCH 18, 2021 AT 1:40 PM
    “It’s my opinion we should stop calling this the Biden Admin. He’s not calling the shots. What should we call it?”

    …well, we’re basically a Chinese province now, so a name like that, but all the “food” ones like Hunan, Szechuan, Canton, and like that are taken.

    So maybe Bidong Province? Or Sleazhuan? Or Freedomgone canton, perhaps.

    …not that it matters in the long run since the Chinese will genocide anyone without Han ancestry eventually anyway, but we do need to call it something in the meantime…

  6. Like a fish doesn’t know he’s in water, Dems have no idea how stupid they are. That’s why they’re Dems.

    If only stupid hurt like hell, this would be a better world.


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