Another Black Man Eloquently Rejects CRT- “Racism would be largely dead if not for certain institutions keeping it on life-support” – IOTW Report

Another Black Man Eloquently Rejects CRT- “Racism would be largely dead if not for certain institutions keeping it on life-support”

16 Comments on Another Black Man Eloquently Rejects CRT- “Racism would be largely dead if not for certain institutions keeping it on life-support”

  1. Booker T Washington knew this over 100 years ago!
    There is a certain class of race problem-solvers who don’t want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public.

  2. CRT would disappear in seconds if those pushing it were not getting rich off of it. Hey, if its so important, you can volunteer your time telling us how we all hate each other.

  3. Anyone notice fat guy in pink shirt not clapping and nervously looking in his folder?

    No one was going to outdo that dad who spoke.
    We need more real men like him. Unafraid to do their job in protecting their children.


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